Tailored sustainability solutions from a single source - a new offer for customers in the…
According to a new study led by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL on behalf of the…
The purpose of the National Organic Research Forum (NBFF) is to recognise practical research needs…
Over the next four years, experts in organic agriculture will visit the UAE in order to establish a…
How can agricultural soil be sustained and even improved? A tour through the department of soil…
Organic farming offers a multitude of benefits. The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)…
„Improving health and welfare of pigs“ is a new practical handbook for organic pig producers. The…
The secret to a successful organic agriculture is to combine knowledge from both research and…
Under the title of "Spirito di Basilea – Dinner is served!", FiBL and the city of Basel open their…
What constitutes the quality of our food? In addition to nutrient content and pesticide residues,…
The United Nations has declared 2015 the International Year of Soils in order to increase awareness…
Under the leadership of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) the European research…
The Swiss Government and FiBL support Albania in boosting its development of organic agriculture…
Another strong presence of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) at BIOFACH in…
In 2013, the European organic market grew by approximately six percent to a value of more than 24…
The latest global data on organic farming will be presented by IFOAM – Organics International and…
What are the costs to society of food wastage and which preventive measures make macro-economic…
The combined effects of climate change, advancing resource scarcity and population growth are…
Organic farmers considering investing in biogas production to improve farm income and contribute to…
From 12 to 14 February 2014, FiBL will present a cross-section of its work in Hall 1 at BIOFACH in…
In 2012 the European organic market grew by approximately six percent to a value of almost EUR 23…
The fertile black soils of Ukraine are famous and provide perfect conditions for organic farming. At…
Organic cotton shows lower yields than genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton. Nevertheless, the lower…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) celebrated its 40th birthday by hosting an open…
Wie sieht das Bio der Zukunft aus? Der 12. Jahrgang des Traineeprogramms Ökolandbau stellt die…
Switzerland’s Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) presents a new training video…