The database organicXseeds is now online for Denmark.
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2018, it increased by almost 8 percent and…
The latest data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
Just in time for BIOFACH: New edition of the Input list for organic agriculture in Germany is now…
The Foundation Council of FiBL Switzerland has elected the new directorate: Knut Schmidtke, Marc…
Worldwide, orange production is threatened by a bacterium that causes the plant disease…
A long-term experiment run by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Bolivia, India…
Organic farming is an important role model for changing the current agriculture and food system,…
About 80 % of the world’s organic producers are smallholders in low- and middle-income countries.…
Since Monday, March 25th 2019, producers and distributors of inputs can register their products for…
Comparative research shows that organic agriculture has great potential to improve economic,…
Palm oil production has more than doubled over the past ten years. Today, palm oil is the most used…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2017, it increased by almost 11 percent and…
The latest global data on organic farming worldwide will be presented by the Research Institute of…
The State of Sustainable Markets 2018 points to the need for producers, processors, brands,…
Big turnout at Frick: There is much interest in the scientific and practical work conducted by the…
The Swiss-Ukrainian project "Organic Market Development in Ukraine", funded by the State Secretariat…
Trade products can now be registered for the "Input list for organic agriculture in Germany 2019".
We love to enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate. However, the cocoa trees are in dire need: They are…
As the European organic farming sector is quickly developing, an increasing number of inputs for…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2016, it increased by 11.4 % and nearly reached…
Navigating through the ever-changing import rules has become easier thanks to the website…
Beneficial soil microbes can significantly increase crop yields while reducing the amount of…
A worldwide conversion to organic farming can contribute to a comprehensive and sustainable food…
Producers of biocontrol products did not always have a common meeting place. This changed in 2006,…
Transparency is crucial for the organic markets and exports from Ukraine. More transparency could be…
Soils in organic farming contain on average 59 percent more biomass from microorganisms, which are…
Navigating through the ever-changing import rules is now easier thanks to a new website:…
Today, the leading research institute in organic agriculture, FiBL, inaugurated its new office in…
The latest market data on key Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) is presented in "The State of…
Ploughless tillage can reduce soil erosion and contribute to protecting the climate. Two recent…
Trade products can now be registered for the "Input list for organic agriculture in Germany 2018”.
A long-term study in Bolivia comparing different cacao production systems shows that in addition to…
Seventeen Ukrainian companies participated as exhibitors at the BIOFACH Fair 2017 in Nuremberg,…
The organic market in Europe continues to grow. In 2015, it increased by 13% and nearly reached 30…
At the BIOFACH Congress, where a wide range of topics will be discussed, researchers of FiBL will…
A new cooperation platform aims at promoting organic cultivation of Chinese medicinal herbs in…
Another strong presence of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) at BIOFACH 2017 in…
A long-term study in Kenya shows that maize yields and nutrient uptake in the organic farming…
Importers of organic products from the Ukraine are facing many challenges. The upcoming…
On 23 June 2016, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Switzerland visited the…
A long-term study by the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Kenya has shown…
On 26 June 2016, around 5000 people were invited to gain an insight into the work of the Research…
A team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic milk and meat contain…
FiBL and Skal sign cooperation agreement for assessment of inputs for Dutch organic farming.
The latest global data on organic farming will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
In 2014, the European organic market grew by approximately 7.6 percent to a value of more than 26…
Another strong presence of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) at BIOFACH in…