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Advancing training & teaching of organic agriculture in SE Europe


SCOPES is a SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) programme for research collaboration with Eastern European Countries and the new independent States of the former Soviet Union.

The principal aim is to substantially improve training in organic agriculture at the universities involved. Specifically, existing B.Sc. curricula will be developed to incorporate best practice from current courses at international and Swiss universities. Lecturers will benefit from advanced training, continuing education and knowledge exchange.

Finanzierung/ Donor

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds

  • Agricultural University of Tirana, AUT, Tirana, Albania
  • Faculty of Agriculture & Food Science, FAFS, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Corvinus University, Dept of Ecological & Sustainable Production Systems, ESPS, Budapest, Hungary
  • University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary, FAV, Prishtina, Kosovo
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Mitarbeitende
  • Niggli Urs ()
  • Willer Helga (Departement für Beratung, Bildung & Kommunikation)
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
Rolle des FiBL


FiBL Projektnummer 90018
Änderungsdatum 11.06.2019