In den meisten europäischen Ländern sind die biologisch bewirtschaftete Fläche und der Biomarkt seit Jahren konstant gewachsen. Verlässliche Kennzahlen zur Entwicklung der Biobranche sowie aktuelle Marktdaten sind von grosser Bedeutung für politische Entscheidungsträger sowie Marktakteure. Mit dem Ziel die Informationen zum Biomarkt zu verbessern, stellt die Europäische Union Fördergelder für das Forschungsprojekt "OrganicDataNetwork" zur Verfügung.
The project Organic Data Network aims to meet the needs of policy makers and actors involved in organic markets by increasing the transparency of the European organic food market through better availability of market intelligence about the sector.
This overall objective will be broken up into the following key objectives:
To achieve these objectives, the OrganicDataNetwork project includes 15 partners (from 10 countries) who collect, publish and analyse such data. This partnership will closely co-operate with the European Commission, Eurostat, and statistical offices of the Member States, using existing structures for collecting and processing data on the organic market and stimulating the development of new ones by adapting existing models.
The partnership will act as a co-ordinating centre between stakeholders, and will result in a proposal for the establishment of a permanent network to achieve collaboration on statistical issues regarding the organic market.
Europäische Union