At the occasion of the Second Meeting of Researchers in Organic Fruit held on Nov. 29 and 30 2000 at Frick Switzerland, the 24 participants from 14 institutions from 9 European Countries officially founded The European Group of Researchers in Organic Fruit EGROF. See list of members and institutions
The secretary of the group and contact address is Dr. Franco Weibel at the Research Institute of Organic Farming, FiBL, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick.
The group’s goal is to guarantee the information exchange between the increasing number of institutions and scientists active in organic fruit research.
Because the number of participants in the EG-ROF is restricted to people who are predominantly active in organic fruit research, there is always enough time for serious and interactive discussions of the research activities, the results and the methods used. Possibilities for synergy and co-operation can be detected and achieved between the different institutions and researchers.