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Accounting of greenhouse gas emissions for the production of microbial liquid fertilizer Nitrogenius from Biofor


Goal of the study is to calculate the product carbon footprint of the product Nitrogenius along the supply chain. Nitrogenius is a micro-bial liquid fertilizer, which is produced in the laboratory. Processes in the laboratory, preparation facility and fermentation facility, as well as the processes of the semi-finished and finished product are taken into account.
Our focus here lies on calculating greenhouse gas emissions, which are produced during the production phase of the products. The rules for conducting an LCA and the calculation of individual impact categories are set in the ISO-Standards 14040:2006 und 14044:2006, which apply internationally. They can be transferred to the German set of standards (DIN EN ISO 14040, DIN EN ISO 14044). FiBL abides by the international regulations on how to conduct an accounting of the GHG-emissions.

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Date modified 18.10.2024