The aim of this project is to support the ongoing development of organic sugar beet by intensifying extension work on different production strategies, including sowing, planting, robotics and crop management. Better characterisation of production methods is proposed for this very young organic crop. Technical documents will be updated with the latest knowledge. A gross margin calculator is used to calculate gross margins for contrasting scenarios. Technical datasheets illustrate typical cultivation routes to help new beet growers. A second part of the project involves on-farm technical systems to further capture knowledge and implement generalisable solutions. The approach combines central platforms on key issues with local facilities for testing technical options.
These two objectives will be supported by the implementation of a methodology aimed at intensifying exchanges between the various stakeholders. The project will make it possible to understand the specificities of the different methodologies in order to improve their uptake and dissemination. This project supports the growing demand for high value-added products based on organic and local production. It contributes to finding solutions for a more ecological and profitable organic beet production.
Project management