Nutribudget aims to identify best-practices and develop guidelines to limit nutrients losses and reduce environmental pollution while improving nutrient use efficiency, soil health, resilience and agronomic production. Using models that link farm system properties to environmental pressures, and innovative approaches to monitor nutrient flows, Nutribudget aims to optimize farm management balancing agronomic and environmental targets.
The concept is based on five pillars:
I. Nutridesign (which NutriKPIs to measure)
II. Nutridata (which existing data to collect and new data to generate)
III. Nutrimodels (how to model the integrated impact across nutrients, farming systems and spatial scales)
IV. Nutriplatform (how to translate this to a DST for farmers and regional authorities
V. transversal Nutri-actor approach (how to co-create this in a multi-actor approach)
With these five pillars, the project helps Europe transition from the current to the desired nutrient status.
Project partner