Healthy soils are of major importance for the future of the European horticultural and agricultural crop production. Especially in intensive production systems, soilborne diseases are a major factor with a negative impact on soil health.
Newly developed best practices and sound crop rotations permit to maintain, improve or re-establish soil health in Europe. Through a network, knowledge ready for practice on four best practices for the control of soilborne diseases (compost/organic amendments; green manures/cover crops; anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD); and (bio)solarisation) will be promoted.
As innovative tool BEST4SOIL will provide tutorial videos (youtube). Videos, databases and factsheets are edited in 22 official EU languages to facilitate the innovation management of practitioners throughout Europe.
The consortium of BEST4SOIL includes advisers, breeder, communicators, educators, growers, and researchers from eight European countries. Together with facilitators in at least twelve more countries, the network will interconnect an important part of the European growers, advisers and educators, the main stakeholders of BEST4SOIL.
Project partner