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Determinants for a locally adapted sustainable agriculture in Switzerland

Original titleDeterminants for a locally adapted sustainable agriculture in Switzerland

The objective of the project is to identify the determinants of a locally adapted sustainable agriculture in Switzerland. This work is based on a review and synthesis of existing modelling studies on this topic.

Financing/ Donor
  • Mava-Stiftung
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
Project partners
  • WWF
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Meier Matthias (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
  • Moakes Simon (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
  • Oehen Bernadette (Department of Extension, Training & Communication)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

Project partner

FiBL project number 35160
Date modified 12.11.2019