Farmed Goats are confronted to a number of diseases. Management of the overall sanitary situation is of utmost importance to goat farmers. More and more farmers are using plants or plant preparations to prevent and/or treat diseases and to maintain a high quality sanitary level. However, and concomittantly with the increased use of plants-, and plant preparations, the farmers are also questionning their efficacity. The ‘Plants and Goat Health’ project aims to qualify the use of plants and plant preparations as used by goat farmers of the region Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and to scientifically evaluate their efficacity.
FiBL France participates in the elaboration of a specific and exhaustive survey related to the use, the administration and the effects of plants preparations as observed by farmers in their specific farming environment.
The results of the survey will allow selecting 2 to 3 plant preparations to be tested for efficacity in controlled conditions at (i) experimental and (ii) on farm level. FiBL France is responsible for the setup, the implementation and the interpretation of on-farm trials.