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Smart and Simple - Build your City together


In the context of the livinglab vienna.transitionBASE, which is embedded in one of the largest smart-city-model-regions of Europe – the Seestadt Aspern – since 2011 prototypes of community self-building have been realized, with the aim of reducing costs and raising resilience in the scope of building, living and food supply.

Innovation-aim of the probed F&E&I-project is to build a commonly organized selfbuilding-prototype, with laymen under the direction of specialists, whereupon for the first time aspects of self-organization and participation of three so far unconnected scopes are being combined:

  1. low-tech self-building
  2. urban CSA
  3. common urban building in the scheme of building-assemblies.

This combination enables citizen-empowerment and -involvement, development of competencies in sustainability, CO2-positive buildingmethods and cost-reduction in urban building and living. Pursued results and insights of the probe are a mapping of the relevant stakeholders and target-groups, social-scientific selection of methods and their further development, a planning and technical research design, as well as a finance-model for the continuation in a further F&E&I-project and finally the synthesis of all part's conclusions into an overall realizational concept.

Financing/ Donor
  • Smart City Demo, 8. Ausschreibung: Eine Förderaktion des Klima- und Energiefonds
Project partners
  • United Creations
  • Institut für Landschaftsplanung (BOKU)
  • Institut für partizipative Sozialforschung
  • Gartenpolylog
  • Plenum GmbH
  • Technisches Planungsbüro DI Leo Obkircher
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Markut Theresia (Sustainability assessment; Climate protection)
  • Schweiger Stefan (Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung; Klimaschutz)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

Project partner

Group/ Work area/ Location
Date modified 20.02.2020