Improving nutrition by integrating low-input livestock and crop production in sustainable farm management in DPR of Korea
Original titleImproving nutrition by integrating low-input livestock and crop production in sustainable farm management in DPR of Korea
The aims of the action are:
to improve farm productivity and access to improved nutrition of the rural population by increasing production and availability of micronutrients, animal- fat and -protein (milk and meat).
to help overcome persistent technical and organisational deficiencies in the promotion of nutrient efficient low input crop-livestock production systems in DPR Korea.
to contribute to the development and dissemination of an integrated crop-livestock organic agriculture production system that fosters nutrient efficient cropping linked to low input dairy & meat production.
The following estimated results (ER) shall be achieved:
ER 1 - Key factors for improving ruminant & fodder production identified through state-of-the-art assessment in DPRK with local and international partners.
ER 2 - Development of crop-livestock model supported through applied on-farm research.
ER 3 - Adapted crop-livestock-based organic agriculture production model implemented and validated at a Co- farm (DPRK).
ER 4 - Dissemination of key technologies and know-how on combining a nutrient efficient cropping system with a low input livestock production started.
Financing/ Donor
European Union
(Research) Program
European Union, EuropeAid
Project partners
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in DPR of Korea (Partner)
Academy of Agricultural Sciences (AAS), DPR Korea (Co-Partner)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL
Project Manager
Further information Special report - Fao/Wfp crop and food security assessment mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea