Become involved as a sponsor and patron of FiBL, invest in organic farming and a sustainable future.
A receipt for donations can be issued on request. Your donations and legacies to all FiBL organizations are used as follows:
If you have any queries relating to donations and legacies, Michel Keppler (Switzerland), Rebecca Franz-Wippermann (Germany) und Andreas Kranzler (Austria) will be pleased to help.
FiBL Switzerland is a non-protit foundation. Contributions in the form of donations or legacies are tax-exempt. You can deduct part or all of your donations from your taxes in accordance with the relevant cantonal tax law.
Details of the charitable donations account of FiBL Switzerland are:
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Ackerstr. 113, CH-5070 Frick
Aargauische Kantonalbank, CH-4310 Rheinfelden
IBAN: CH94 0076 1045 0013 9206 6
Michel Keppler, Director of Finances, Resources & Administration FiBL Switzerland
Donations to FiBL Deutschland e.V. are tax-deductible.
If you would like to donate, please contact the Managing director Rebecca Franz-Wippermann, who will provide you with the donation account.
Bank details for FiBL Austria are:
IBAN: AT33 3200 0000 0067 6452
Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien AG
Please address any queries relating to tax deductibility to
Andreas Kranzler, Director FiBL Austria