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Else Bünemann-König

Affiliation / Fonction

Domaines d‘activité

  • Gestion des nutriments
  • Qualité du sol
  • Microbiologie du sol


ÉtatFiBLTitre du projetDébutFin
En cours CH Recycling von lokal produzierten Bioabfällen zur Sicherstellung der Erschwinglichkeit und Verfügbarkeit von innovativen, biobasierten Düngemitteln (ReLeaf) 01.06.2024 31.05.2028
En cours CH Biologische Nitrifikationshemmung durch Spitzwegerich zur Reduktion von Stickstoffverlusten aus Agrarökosystemen (PlantaGO) 01.03.2024 28.02.2028
En cours CHEU Verbesserung der Erträge in biologischen Anbausystemen (OrganicYieldsUP) 01.02.2024 31.01.2028
En cours CH Weiterbildungsangebot "Bodenpraktiker" 01.01.2024 31.12.2026
En cours CH Schwefelversorgung im Bioackerbau 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
En cours Bereitstellung von sicheren, nachhaltigen, erprobten und gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Bo-denverbesserungsmitteln aus Abfällen der Le-bensmittelproduktion zur Förderung der Bodengesundheit (DeliSoil) 01.06.2023 31.05.2027
Terminé CH Bodenpraktiker*innen Pilotkurs (Bp2023) 01.01.2023 31.12.2024
En cours CH Aufbau eines europäischen Netzwerks zur Charakterisierung und Harmonisierung von Monitoringansätzen für Bodenforschung und -wissen (BENCHMARKS) 01.01.2023 31.12.2027
En cours CH Transformationen für nachhaltige Nährstoffversorgung und -management (trans4num) 01.12.2022 30.11.2026
En cours CH Optimierung von Nährstoffbilanzen in der Landwirtschaft (NUTRIBUDGET) 01.09.2022 31.08.2026
En cours CH Optimierung der Stickstoffausnutzung und Klimawirkung von Recyclingdüngern im Biolandbau (Recycle4Bio-II) 01.04.2022 31.03.2026
Terminé CH Spatenprobe Schweizweit! Einheitliche Arbeitsgrundlagen für die landwirtschaftliche Praxis und den Vollzug von Bodenschutz (Spatenprobe) 01.07.2021 01.07.2024
Terminé CHEU Herstellung von biobasierten Düngemitteln aus Fischereiabfällen (SEA2LAND) 01.01.2021 31.12.2024
Terminé CH Postulat 19.3639 Bourgeois «Kohlenstoffsequestrierung in Böden»: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Quantifizierung, Anforderungen an Anreizsysteme und Nachweis ihrer Wirksamkeit (Postulat Bourgeois Q4) 01.07.2020 30.04.2021
Terminé CH Optimierung von Recyclingdüngern in der Landwirtschaft – Wissensbasis für neue Gesetzgebung (LEX4BIO) 01.06.2019 31.05.2024
Terminé CH Bodenqualitätsindikatoren: Anwendung von Bodenqualitätskonzepten und ihre Rolle zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele 01.08.2018 15.12.2018
Terminé CH Verbesserung der Betriebsmittel im biologischen Landbau (RELACS) 01.05.2018 30.04.2022
Terminé CH Klimawirkung von Recyclingdüngern und Pflanzenkohle: Emissionen von Lachgas, Methan und Ammoniak in einem Feldversuch 12.03.2018 30.06.2022
Terminé CH Optimaler Einsatz von Recyclingdüngern im Biolandbau: Ertragswirkung und Stickstoffeffizienz (Recycle4Bio) 01.05.2017 31.07.2021
Terminé CH Referenzwerte für Humus in Schweizer Ackerböden. Humus im Vollzug 01.04.2017 31.08.2018
Terminé CH Stickstoffeffizienz im Acker- und Gemüsebau für eine Reduktion des Nitrateintrages ins Grundwasser (NitroGäu) 01.04.2017 30.11.2021
Terminé CH Pyrophos: Weiterentwicklung der Alkalipyrolyse zur Abtrennung von Schwermetallen und Herstellung eines marktfähigen Phosphor-Kalidüngers aus Klärschlamm (PyroPhos II) 01.01.2017 30.09.2020
Terminé CH Solutions pour une production de céréales de qualité en situations peu fertiles (CerQual) 01.07.2016 30.06.2020
Terminé CH Interaktive Bodenqualitätsbewertung in Europa und China für die landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Belastbarkeit der Umwelt (iSQAPER) 01.05.2015 30.04.2020
Terminé CH Klärschlamm-Pyrolyse und Schwermetallentfrachtung zum Phosphor-Recycling (PyroPhos) 01.11.2014 31.10.2016
En cours CH Essai DOK: Étude comparative de longue durée des systèmes agricoles biodynamiques, organo-biologiques et conventionnels (DOK Experiment) 01.03.1978

Parcours professionnel

  • Dès Septembre 2015 FiBL
  • Dès Februar 2015 Privatdozentin ETH Zürich
  • 2006 - 2015 Oberassistentin ETH Zürich (Gruppe Pflanzenernährung, Prof. E. Frossard)
  • 2004 - 2006 Postdoc an der Universität Adelaide, Australien;  Projekt über biologische Prozesse im Phosphorkreislauf, finanziert von der Grains Research & Development Corporation ( mit Dr. A. McNeill, Dr. P. Marschner, Prof. M.J. McLaughlin).
  • 1999 - 2003 Doktorandin ETH Zürich (Gruppe Pflanzenernährung, Prof. E. Frossard); Projekt zur Phosphordynamik in verbesserten Leguminosenbrachen in Westkenia, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Agroforstzentrum, Nairobi, Kenia.
  • 1998 - 1999 Junior Fellow an der Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (Prof. P.L.G. Vlek).
  • 1992 - 1998 Studium Biologie an den Universitäten Tübingen und Göttingen, Deutschland; Diplomarbeit im Deutsch-Brasilianischen Forschungsprogramm SHIFT (Studies of Human Impact on Forests and Floodplains in the Tropics), Belem, Brasilien.

Travail en commission / autres activités

  • Editor-in-Chief, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
  • Mitgliedschaften:  Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft, Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft der Schweiz, FachFrauen Umwelt


  • ETH Zurich: Nutrition végétale II: Integriertes Nährstoff-Management


  • 2004: médaille de l’ETHZ pour la thèse de doctorat


Publications Organic Eprints

Publications non archivées à Organic Eprints


  • Wey H, Hunkeler D, Bischoff W-A, Bünemann EK (submitted): In-situ monitoring of nitrate leaching in agriculture: Assessment of three field methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
  • Alewell C, Huang J-H, McLaren TI, Huber L, Bünemann EK (2021): Phosphorus retention in constructed wetlands enhanced by zeolite- and clinopyroxene-dominated lava sand. Hydrological Processes 35. 10.1002/hyp.14040
  • Bongiorno G, Bünemann EK, Oguejiofor CU, Meier J, Gort G, Comans R, Mäder P, Brussaard L, de Goede R (2021): Sensitivity of labile carbon fractions to tillage and organic matter management and their potential as comprehensive soil quality indicators across pedoclimatic conditions in Europe (vol 99, pg 38, 2019). Ecological Indicators 121. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107093
  • Lehmann J, Bünemann EK, Camps-Arbestain M, Ruiz Esparza Catano M (2021): Scientific publishing for greater research impact. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 119, 1-5. 10.1007/s10705-021-10121-0


  • Bongiorno G, Bünemann EK, Brussaard L, Mäder P, Oguejiofor CU, de Goede RGM (2020): Soil management intensity shifts microbial catabolic profiles across a range of European long-term field experiments. Applied Soil Ecology 154. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103596
  • Bongiorno G, Postma, J, Bünemann EK, Brussaard L., de Goede RGM, Mäder P, Tamm L, Thuerig B, (2020): Soil suppressiveness to Pythium ultimum in ten European long-term field experiments and its relation with soil parameters (vol 133, pg 174). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 150. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107883
  • Pistocchi C, Meszaros E, Frossard E, Bünemann EK, Tamburini F (2020): In or Out of Equilibrium? How Microbial Activity Controls the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Phosphate in Forest Organic Horizons With Low and High Phosphorus Availability. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8. 10.3389/fenvs.2020.564778
  • Reimer M, Hartmann TE, Oelofse M, Magid J, Bünemann EK, Möller K (2020): Reliance on Biological Nitrogen Fixation Depletes Soil Phosphorus and Potassium Reserves. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 118, 273-291. 10.1007/s10705-020-10101-w
  • von Arb C, Bünemann EK, Schmalz H, Portmann M, Adamtey N, Musyoka MW, Frossard E, Fliessbach, A (2020): Soil quality and phosphorus status after nine years of organic and conventional farming at two input levels in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Geoderma 362. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.114112


  • Bongiorno G, Bodenhausen N, Bünemann EK, Brussaard L, Geisen S, Mäder P, Quist CW, Walser J-C, de Goede RGM (2019): Reduced tillage, but not organic matter input, increased nematode diversity and food web stability in European long-term field experiments. Molecular Ecology 28, 4987-5005. 10.1111/mec.15270
  • Bongiorno G, Bünemann EK, Oguejiofor CU, Meier J, Gort G, Comans R, Mäder P, Brussaard L, de Goede R (2019): Sensitivity of labile carbon fractions to tillage and organic matter management and their potential as comprehensive soil quality indicators across pedoclimatic conditions in Europe. Ecological Indicators 99, 38-50. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.12.008
  • Bongiorno G, Postma J, Bünemann EK, Brussaard L, de Goede RGM, Mäder P, Tamm L, Thürig B (2019): Soil suppressiveness to Pythium ultimum in ten European long-term field experiments and its relation with soil parameters. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 133, 174-187. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.03.012
  • Jarosch KA, Kandeler E, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2019): Is the enzymatic hydrolysis of soil organic phosphorus compounds limited by enzyme or substrate availability? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 139. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107628
  • Musyoka MW, Adamtey N, Bünemann EK, Muriuki AW, Karanja EN, Mucheru-Muna M, Fiaboe KKM, Cadisch G (2019): Nitrogen release and synchrony in organic and conventional farming systems of the Central Highlands of Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 113, 283-305. 10.1007/s10705-019-09978-z


  • Bai Z, Caspari T, Gonzalez MR, Batjes NH, Mäder P, Bünemann EK, de Goede R, Brussaard L, Xu M, Santos Ferreira CS, Reintam E, Fan H, Mihelic R, Glavan M, Toth Z (2018): Effects of agricultural management practices on soil quality: A review of long-term experiments for Europe and China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 265, 1-7. 10.1016/j.agee.2018.05.028
  • Bünemann EK, Bongiorno G, Bai Z, Creamer RE, De Deyn G, de Goede R, Fleskens L, Geissen V, Kuyper TW, Mäder P, Pulleman M, Sukkel W, van Groenigen JW, Brussaard L (2018): Soil quality - A critical review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 120, 105-125. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.01.030
  • Garland G, Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Frossard E, Snapp S, Chikowo R, Six J (2018): Phosphorus cycling within soil aggregate fractions of a highly weathered tropical soil: A conceptual model. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 116, 91-98. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.10.007
  • Möller K, Oberson A, Bünemann EK, Cooper J, Friedel JK, Glaesner N, Hörtenhuber S, Loes A-K, Mäder P, Meyer G, Müller T, Symanczik S, Weissengruber L, Wollmann I, Magid J (2018): Improved Phosphorus Recycling in Organic Farming: Navigating Between Constraints. Advances in Agronomy, Vol 147, pp. 159-237.
  • Pistocchi C, Meszaros E, Tamburini F, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2018): Biological processes dominate phosphorus dynamics under low phosphorus availability in organic horizons of temperate forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 126, 64-75. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.08.013


  • Garland G, Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Frossard E, Six J (2017): Plant-mediated rhizospheric interactions in maize-pigeon pea intercropping enhance soil aggregation and organic phosphorus storage. Plant and Soil 415, 37-55. 10.1007/s11104-016-3145-1
  • Garland G, Bünemann EK, Six J (2017): New methodology for soil aggregate fractionation to investigate phosphorus transformations in iron oxide-rich tropical agricultural soil. European Journal of Soil Science 68, 115-125. 10.1111/ejss.12396
  • Lang F, Krüger J, Amelung W, Willbold S, Frossard E, Bünemann EK, Bauhus J, Nitschke R, Kandeler E, Marhan S, Schulz S, Bergkemper F, Schloter M, Luster J, Guggisberg F, Kaiser K, Mikutta R, Guggenberger G, Polle A, Pena R, Prietzel J, Rodionov A, Talkner U, Meesenburg H, von Wilpert K, Hölscher A, Dietrich H.P., Chmara I. (2017): Soil phosphorus supply controls P nutrition strategies of beech forest ecosystems in Central Europe. Biogeochemistry 136, 5-29. 10.1007/s10533-017-0375-0
  • Meyer G, Bünemann EK, Frossard E, Maurhofer M, Mäder P, Oberson A (2017): Gross phosphorus fluxes in a calcareous soil inoculated with Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 revealed by P-33 isotopic dilution. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 104, 81-94. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.10.001
  • Ragot SA, Kertesz MA, Meszaros E, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2017): Soil phoD and phoX alkaline phosphatase gene diversity responds to multiple environmental factors. Fems Microbiology Ecology 93. 10.1093/femsec/fiw212
  • Schneider KD, Voroney RP, Lynch DH, Oberson A, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2017): Microbially-mediated P fluxes in calcareous soils as a function of water-extractable phosphate. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 106, 51-60. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.12.016


  • Bergkemper F, Bünemann EK, Hauenstein S, Heuck C, Kandeler E, Krüger J, Marhan S, Meszaros E, Nassal D, Nassal P, Oelmann Y, Pistocchi C, Schloter M, Spohn M, Talkner U, Zederer DP, Schulz S (2016): An inter-laboratory comparison of gaseous and liquid fumigation based methods for measuring microbial phosphorus (P-mic) in forest soils with differing P stocks. Journal of Microbiological Methods 128, 66-68. 10.1016/j.mimet.2016.07.006
  • Bünemann EK, Augstburger S, Frossard E (2016): Dominance of either physicochemical or biological phosphorus cycling processes in temperate forest soils of contrasting phosphate availability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 101, 85-95. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.07.005
  • Göransson H, Welc M, Bünemann EK, Christl I, Venterink HO (2016): Nitrogen and phosphorus availability at early stages of soil development in the Damma glacier forefield, Switzerland; implications for establishment of N-2-fixing plants. Plant and Soil 404, 251-261. 10.1007/s11104-016-2821-5
  • Ragot SA, Huguenin-Elie O, Kertesz MA, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2016): Total and active microbial communities and phoD as affected by phosphate depletion and pH in soil. Plant and Soil 408, 15-30. 10.1007/s11104-016-2902-5
  • Traore OYA, Kiba DI, Arnold MC, Fliessbach A, Oberholzer HR, Nacro HB, Lompo F, Oberson A, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2016): Fertilization practices alter microbial nutrient limitations after alleviation of carbon limitation in a Ferric Acrisol. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52, 177-189. 10.1007/s00374-015-1061-9
  • Wyngaard N, Cabrera ML, Jarosch KA, Bünemann EK (2016): Phosphorus in the coarse soil fraction is related to soil organic phosphorus mineralization measured by isotopic dilution. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 96, 107-118. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.01.022


  • Annaheim KE, Doolette AL, Smernik RJ, Mayer J, Oberson A, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2015): Long-term addition of organic fertilizers has little effect on soil organic phosphorus as characterized by 31P NMR spectroscopy and enzyme additions. Geoderma 257-258: 67-77.
  • Bünemann EK (2015): Assessment of gross and net mineralization rates of soil organic phosphorus – a review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 89, 82-98.
  • Jarosch KA, Doolette AL, Smernik RJ, Tamburini F, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2015): Characterisation of soil organic phosphorus in NaOH-EDTA extracts: A comparison of P-31 NMR spectroscopy and enzyme addition assays. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 91, 298-309.
  • Nesper N, Bünemann EK, Fonte SJ, Rao IM; Velásquez J, Ramirez B, Hegglin D, Frossard E, Oberson, A (2015): Pasture degradation decreases organic P content of tropical soils due to soil structural decline. Geoderma 257-258: 123-133.
  • Randriamanantsoa L, Frossard E, Oberson A, Bünemann EK (2015): Gross phosphorus fluxes can be measured in a highly weathered tropical soil using an isotopic dilution method. Geoderma 257-258: 86-93.
  • Ragot SA, Kertesz MA, Bünemann EK (2015): phoD Alkaline Phosphatase Gene Diversity in Soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81, 7281-7289. 10.1128/aem.01823-15


  • Borda T, Celi L, Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Frossard E, Barberis E (2014): Fertilization strategies affect phosphorus forms and release from soils and suspended solids. Journal of Environmental Quality 43, 1024-1031.
  • Fonte S, Nesper M, Hegglin D, Velásquez JE, Ramirez B, Rao IM, Bernasconi SM, Bünemann EK, Frossard E, Oberson A (2014): Pasture degradation impacts soil phosphorus storage via changes to aggregate-associated soil organic matter in highly weathered tropical soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 68: 150-157.
  • Liebisch F, Keller F, Huguenin-Elie O, Oberson A, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2014): Seasonal dynamics of microbial phosphorus in a permanent grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50: 465-475.
  • Müller C and Bünemann EK (2014): A 33P tracing model for quantifying gross P transformation rates in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 76, 218-226.
  • Welc M, Frossard E, Egli S, Bünemann EK, Jansa J (2014): Rhizosphere fungal assemblages and soil enzymatic activities in a 110-years alpine chronosequence. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 74: 21-30.


  • Annaheim KE, Rufener C, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2013): Hydrolysis of organic phosphorus in soil water suspensions after addition of phosphatase enzymes. Biology & Fertility of Soils 49:1203–1213.
  • Bünemann EK, Keller B, Hoop D, Jud K, Boivin P, Frossard E (2013): Increased availability of phosphorus after drying and rewetting of a grassland soil: processes and plant use. Plant and Soil 370, 511-526.
  • Liebisch F, Bünemann EK, Huguenin-Elie O, Jeangros B, Frossard E,
  • Oberson A (2013): Plant phosphorus indicators evaluated in agricultural grasslands managed at different intensities. European Journal of Agronomy 44: 67-77.


  • Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Liebisch F, Keller F, Annaheim KE, Huguenin-Elie O, Frossard E (2012): Rapid microbial phosphorus immobilization dominates gross phosphorus fluxes in a grassland soil with low inorganic phosphorus availability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 51, 84-95.
  • Keller M, Oberson A, Annaheim KE, Tamburini F, Mäder P, Mayer J, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2012): Phosphorus forms and enzymatic hydrolysability of organic phosphorus in soils after 30 years of organic and conventional farming. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 385-393.
  • Tamburini F, Pfahler V, Bünemann EK, Gülland K, Bernasconi SM, Frossard E (2012): Oxygen isotopes unravel the role of microorganisms in phosphate cycling in soils. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 5956-5962.
  • Welc M, Bünemann EK, Fließbach A, Frossard E, Jansa J (2012): Soil bacterial and fungal communities along a soil chronosequence assessed by fatty acid profiling. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 49: 184-192.


  • Bernasconi SM, Bauder A, Bourdon B, Brunner I, Bünemann E, Christl I, Derungs N, Edwards P, Farinotti D, Frey B, Frossard E, Furrer G, Gierga M, Göransson H, Gülland K, Hagedorn F, Hajdas I, Hindshaw R, Ivy-Ochs S,Jansa J, Jonas T, Kiczka M, Kretzschmar R, Lemarchand E, Luster J, Magnusson J, Mitchell EAD, Olde Venterink H, Plötze M, Reynolds B, Smittenberg R, Stähli M, Tamburini F, Tipper ET, Wacker L, Welc M, Wiederhold JG, Zeyer J, Zimmermann S, Zumsteg A (2011): Chemical and biological gradients along the Damma Glacier soil chronosequence, Switzerland. Vadose Zone Journal 10, 867-883.


  • Ehlers K, Bakken LR, Frostegård Å, Frossard E, Bünemann EK (2010): Phosphorus limitation in a Ferralsol: Impact on microbial activity and cell-internal P pools. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42, 558-566.


  • Butterly CR, Bünemann EK, McNeill AM, Baldock JA and Marschner P (2009): Carbon pulses but not phosphorus pulses are related to decreases in microbial biomass during repeated drying and rewetting of soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41: 1406-1416.
  • Frossard E, Bünemann E, Jansa J, Oberson A and Feller C (2009): Concepts and practices of nutrient management in agroecosystems: Can we draw lessons from history to design future sustainable agricultural production systems? Bodenkultur 60 (1-4) 43-60.
  • McBeath T, McLaughlin MJ, Lombi E, Bünemann EK (2009): Exchangeability of orthophosphate and pyrophosphate in soils: A double isotopic labelling study. Plant & Soil 314:243-252.


  • Bünemann EK, Smernik RJ, Marschner P and McNeill AM (2008): Microbial synthesis of organic and condensed forms of P in acid and calcareous soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 932-946.
  • Bünemann EK, Marschner P, Smernik R, Conyers, M, and McNeill AM (2008): Soil organic phosphorus and microbial community composition as affected by 26 years of different management strategies. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44:717-726.
  • Bünemann EK (2008): Enzyme additions as a tool to assess the potential bioavailability of organically bound nutrients. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 2116-2129.
  • Bünemann EK, Smernik R, Doolette AL, Marschner P, Stonor R, Wakelin, SA, McNeill AM (2008): Forms of phosphorus in bacteria and fungi isolated from two Australian soils. Soil Biology & Biochemstry 40, 1908-1915.
  • Ehlers K, Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Frossard E, Frostegard A, Yuejian M, Bakken LR (2008): Extraction of soil bacteria from a tropical Ferralsol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 1940-1946.
  • Ha KV, Marschner P and Bünemann EK (2008): Dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and microbial community composition in particulate organic matter during decomposition of residues. Plant and Soil 303, 253-264.
  • McBeath T, McLaughlin MJ, Lombi E, Bünemann EK (2008): Isotopic exchangeablility, hydrolysis and mobilization reactions of pyrophosphate in soil: Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:1337-1343.


  • Bünemann EK, Marschner P, McNeill AM and McLaughlin MJ (2007): Measuring rates of gross and net mineralisation of organic phosphorus in soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39:900-913.
  • Dougherty WJ, Smernik RJ, Bünemann EK and Chittleborough DJ (2007): On the use of HF pre-treatment of soils for 31P NMR analyses. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71, 1111-1118.
  • Ha, KV, Marschner P, Bünemann EK and Smernik RJ (2007): Chemical changes and phosphorus release during decomposition of pea residues in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39:2696-2699.
  • McBeath TM, Lombi E, McLaughlin MJ and Bünemann EK (2007): Pyrophosphate and orthophosphate addition to soils: sorption, cation concentrations and dissolved organic carbon. Australian Journal of Soil Research 45: 237-245.
  • McBeath TM, Lombi E, McLaughlin MJ and Bünemann EK (2007): Polyphosphate fertiliser solution stability with time, temperature and pH. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170, 387-391.
  • McBeath TM, Lombi E, McLaughlin MJ and Bünemann EK (2007): Polyphosphate speciation for soil and fertiliser analysis. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:2445-2460.


  • Bünemann EK, Heenan DP, Marschner P and McNeill AM (2006): Long-term effects of crop rotation, stubble management and tillage on soil phosphorus dynamics in a Chromic Luvisol from New South Wales, Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44, 611–618.
  • Bünemann EK, Schwenke GD, van Zwieten L (2006): Impact of agricultural inputs on soil organisms – a review. Australian Journal of Soil Research 44, 379–406.


  • Bünemann EK, Smithson PC, Jama B, Frossard E and Oberson A (2004): Maize productivity and nutrient dynamics in maize-fallow rotations in western Kenya. Plant and Soil 264, 195-208.
  • Bünemann EK, Bossio D, Smithson PC, Frossard E and Oberson A (2004): Microbial community composition and substrate use in a highly weathered soil as affected by crop rotation and P fertilization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36, 889-901.
  • Bünemann EK, Steinebrunner F, Smithson PC, Frossard E and Oberson A (2004) Phosphorus dynamics in a highly weathered soil as revealed by isotopic labeling techniques. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68, 1645-1655.

Publications (book chapters)

  • Bünemann EK, Prusisz B and Ehlers K (2011): Characterization of phosphorus forms in soil microorganisms. In: Bünemann EK, Oberson A and Frossard E (Eds): Phosphorus in action – Biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling. Springer Soil Biology Series. pp. 37-57.
  • Frossard E, Achat DL, Bernasconi SM, Bünemann EK, Fardeau JC, Jansa J, Morel C, Rabeharisoa C, Randriamanantsoa L, Sinaj S, Tamburini F, and Oberson A (2011): The use of tracers to investigate phosphate cycling in soil-plant systems. In: Bünemann EK, Oberson A and Frossard E (Eds): Phosphorus in action – Biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling. Springer Soil Biology Series. pp. 59-91.
  • Oberson A, Pypers P, Bünemann EK, and Frossard E (2011): Management impacts on biological phosphorus cycling in cropped soils. In: Bünemann EK, Oberson A and Frossard E (Eds): Phosphorus in action – Biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling. Springer Soil Biology Series. pp. 431-457.
  • Frossard E, Bünemann EK, Oberson A, Jansa J and Kertesz MA (2011): Phosphorus and Sulfur in soil. In: Huang PM, Sumner ME, Yuncong L (eds) Handbook of soil sciences, 2nd edn. CRC, Boca Raton. Section 26, pp. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-4398030-3-5.
  • Bünemann EK and Condron LM (2007): Phosphorus and sulphur cycling in terrestrial systems. In: Nutrient cycling. Eds. P Marschner and Z Rengel. Springer. pp. 65-92.
  • Frossard E, Bünemann EK, Carsky R, Compaoré E, Diby LN, Kouamé VH, Oberson A and Taonda S J-B (2007): Integrated nutrient management as a tool to combat soil degradation in Subsaharan Africa. In: Afrika im Wandel. Eds. T Bearth et al. Zürcher Hochschulforum Band 40, pp. 137-146.
  • Oberson A, Bünemann EK, Friesen DK, Rao IM, Smithson PC, Turner BL and Frossard E (2006): Improving phosphorus fertility in tropical soils through biological interventions. In: Biological approaches to sustainable soil systems. Eds. N Uphoff et al. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 531-546.
  • Nziguheba G and Bünemann EK (2005) Dynamics of organic phosphorus in tropical agroecosystems. In: Organic phosphorus in the environment. Eds. BL Turner, E Frossard and D Baldwin. CABI, Wallingford, Oxon, UK (pp. 243-268).

Publications (books)

  • Bünemann EK, Oberson A and Frossard E (2011): Phosphorus in action – Biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling. Springer Soil Biology Series. www.springer.com/978-3-642-15270-2.
  • PhD thesis
    Bünemann EK (2003): Phosphorus dynamics in a Ferralsol under maize-fallow rotations: the role of the soil microbial biomass’. Ph.D. thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. URL: e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch