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Michael Riemann

Affiliation / Fonction

Domaines d‘activité

  • Maladies de la vigne
  • Modifications de la signalisation et du métabolisme de la vigne dues au stress
  • Comparaison des génomes de la vigne


ÉtatFiBLTitre du projetDébutFin
En cours CH PiWinemaking 13.01.2025 31.12.2026
En cours CH Variétés de vigne avec résilience climatique pour la protection du rendement (KliWiReSSE) 01.10.2022 30.09.2025

Parcours professionnel

  • Depuis 2024 Collaborateur au FiBL Suisse
  • 2012 - 2024 Chef du groupe et collaborateur scientifique, Institut de Technologie de Karlsruhe, Allemagne
  • 2006 - 2012 Collaborateur scientifique, Institut de Technologie de Karlsruhe, Allemagne
  • 2004 - 2006 Bourse postdoctorale AvH/JSPS, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japon
  • 2000 - 2004 Doctorat à l'Université de Freiburg, Allemagne


Publications Organic Eprints

Publications non archivées à Organic Eprints

  • Dong, Y., Duan, S., Xia, Q., Liang, Z., Dong, X., Margaryan, K., Musayev, M., Goryslavets, S., Zdunić, G., Bert, P.-F., Lacombe, T., Maul, E., Nick, P., Bitskinashvili, K., Bisztray, G. D., Drori, E., Lorenzis, G. D., Cunha, J., Popescu, C. F., … Chen, W. (2023): Dual domestications and origin of traits in grapevine evolution. Science, 379(6635), 892-901.
  • Nguyen, H. T., Cheaib, M., Fournel, M., Rios, M., Gantet, P., Laplaze, L., Guyomarc’h, S., Riemann, M., Heitz, T., Petitot, A.-S., & Champion, A. (2023): Genetic analysis of the rice jasmonate receptors reveals specialized functions for OsCOI2. PLOS ONE, 18(9), e0291385.
  • Ndecky, S., Nguyen, T. H., Eiche, E., Cognat, V., Pflieger, D., Pawar, N., Betting, F., Saha, S., Champion, A., Riemann, M.,  Heitz, T. (2023): Jasmonate signaling controls negative and positive effectors of salt stress tolerance in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74(10), 3220-3239.
  • Abuslima, E., Kanbar, A., Raorane, M. L., Eiche, E., Junker, B. H., Hause, B., Riemann, M.,  Nick, P. (2022): Gain time to adapt: How sorghum acquires tolerance to salinity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.
  • Ma, J., Morel, J.-B., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2022): Jasmonic acid contributes to rice resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1).
  • Guan, P., Shi, W., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2021): Dissecting the membrane-microtubule sensor in grapevine defence. Horticulture Research, 8(1).
  • Guan, P., Terigele, Schmidt, F., Riemann, M., Fischer, J., Thines, E., Nick, P. (2020): Hunting modulators of plant defence: the grapevine trunk disease fungus Eutypa lata secretes an amplifier for plant basal immunity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(12), 3710-3724.
  • Khattab, I. M., Sahi, V. P., Baltenweck, R., Maia‐Grondard, A., Hugueney, P., Bieler, E., Dürrenberger, M., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2020): Ancestral chemotypes of cultivated grapevine with resistance to Botryosphaeriaceae‐related dieback allocate metabolism towards bioactive stilbenes. New Phytologist, 229(2), 1133-1146.
  • Tang, G., Ma, J., Hause, B., Nick, P., & Riemann, M. (2020): Jasmonate is required for the response to osmotic stress in rice. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175, 104047.
  • Hazman, M., Sühnel, M., Schäfer, S., Zumsteg, J., Lesot, A., Beltran, F., Marquis, V., Herrgott, L., Miesch, L., Riemann, M., Heitz, T. (2019): Characterization of Jasmonoyl-Isoleucine (JA-Ile) Hormonal Catabolic Pathways in Rice upon Wounding and Salt Stress. Rice, 12(1).
  • Gong, P., Riemann, M., Dong, D., Stoeffler, N., Gross, B., Markel, A., & Nick, P. (2019): Two grapevine metacaspase genes mediate ETI-like cell death in grapevine defence against infection of Plasmopara viticola. Protoplasma, 256(4), 951-969.
  • Akaberi, S., Wang, H., Claudel, P., Riemann, M., Hause, B., Hugueney, P., Nick, P. (2018): Grapevine fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase generates actin-disrupting volatiles and promotes defence-related cell death. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(12), 2883-2896.
  • Chang, X., Seo, M., Takebayashi, Y., Kamiya, Y., Riemann, M., & Nick, P. (2017): Jasmonates are induced by the PAMP flg22 but not the cell death-inducing elicitor Harpin in Vitis rupestris. Protoplasma, 254(1), 271-283.
  • Hazman, M., Hause, B., Eiche, E., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2016): Different forms of osmotic stress evoke qualitatively different responses in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 202, 45-56.
  • Duan, D., Fischer, S., Merz, P., Bogs, J., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2016): An ancestral allele of grapevine transcription factor MYB14 promotes plant defence. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(6), 1795-1804.
  • Gutjahr, C., Gobbato, E., Choi, J., Riemann, M., Johnston, M. G., Summers, W., Carbonnel, S., Mansfield, C., Yang, S.-Y., Nadal, M., Acosta, I., Takano, M., Jiao, W.-B., Schneeberger, K., Kelly, K. A.,  Paszkowski, U. (2015): Rice perception of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi requires the karrikin receptor complex. Science, 350(6267), 1521-1524.
  • Hazman, M., Hause, B., Eiche, E., Nick, P.,  Riemann, M. (2015): Increased tolerance to salt stress in OPDA-deficient rice ALLENE OXIDE CYCLASE mutants is linked to an increased ROS-scavenging activity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(11), 3339-3352.
  • Lu, J., Robert, C. A. M., Riemann, M., Cosme, M., Mène-Saffrané, L., Massana, J., Stout, M. J., Lou, Y., Gershenzon, J., Erb, M. (2015): Induced Jasmonate Signaling Leads to Contrasting Effects on Root Damage and Herbivore Performance. Plant Physiology, 167(3), 1100-1116.
  • Dong, Y., Duan, S., Xia, Q., Liang, Z., Dong, X., Margaryan, K., Musayev, M., Goryslavets, S., Zdunić, G., Bert, P.-F., Lacombe, T., Maul, E., Nick, P., Bitskinashvili, K., Bisztray, G. D., Drori, E., Lorenzis, G. D., Cunha, J., Popescu, C. F., … Chen, W. (2023): Dual domestications and origin of traits in grapevine evolution. Science, 379(6635), 892-901.
  • Nguyen, H. T., Cheaib, M., Fournel, M., Rios, M., Gantet, P., Laplaze, L., Guyomarc’h, S., Riemann, M., Heitz, T., Petitot, A.-S., & Champion, A. (2023): Genetic analysis of the rice jasmonate receptors reveals specialized functions for OsCOI2. PLOS ONE, 18(9), e0291385.
  • Ndecky, S., Nguyen, T. H., Eiche, E., Cognat, V., Pflieger, D., Pawar, N., Betting, F., Saha, S., Champion, A., Riemann, M.,  Heitz, T. (2023): Jasmonate signaling controls negative and positive effectors of salt stress tolerance in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74(10), 3220-3239.
  • Abuslima, E., Kanbar, A., Raorane, M. L., Eiche, E., Junker, B. H., Hause, B., Riemann, M.,  Nick, P. (2022): Gain time to adapt: How sorghum acquires tolerance to salinity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.
  • Ma, J., Morel, J.-B., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2022): Jasmonic acid contributes to rice resistance against Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1).
  • Guan, P., Shi, W., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2021): Dissecting the membrane-microtubule sensor in grapevine defence. Horticulture Research, 8(1).
  • Guan, P., Terigele, Schmidt, F., Riemann, M., Fischer, J., Thines, E., Nick, P. (2020): Hunting modulators of plant defence: the grapevine trunk disease fungus Eutypa lata secretes an amplifier for plant basal immunity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(12), 3710-3724.
  • Khattab, I. M., Sahi, V. P., Baltenweck, R., Maia‐Grondard, A., Hugueney, P., Bieler, E., Dürrenberger, M., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2020): Ancestral chemotypes of cultivated grapevine with resistance to Botryosphaeriaceae‐related dieback allocate metabolism towards bioactive stilbenes. New Phytologist, 229(2), 1133-1146.
  • Tang, G., Ma, J., Hause, B., Nick, P., & Riemann, M. (2020): Jasmonate is required for the response to osmotic stress in rice. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175, 104047.
  • Hazman, M., Sühnel, M., Schäfer, S., Zumsteg, J., Lesot, A., Beltran, F., Marquis, V., Herrgott, L., Miesch, L., Riemann, M., Heitz, T. (2019): Characterization of Jasmonoyl-Isoleucine (JA-Ile) Hormonal Catabolic Pathways in Rice upon Wounding and Salt Stress. Rice, 12(1).
  • Gong, P., Riemann, M., Dong, D., Stoeffler, N., Gross, B., Markel, A., & Nick, P. (2019): Two grapevine metacaspase genes mediate ETI-like cell death in grapevine defence against infection of Plasmopara viticola. Protoplasma, 256(4), 951-969.
  • Akaberi, S., Wang, H., Claudel, P., Riemann, M., Hause, B., Hugueney, P., Nick, P. (2018): Grapevine fatty acid hydroperoxide lyase generates actin-disrupting volatiles and promotes defence-related cell death. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(12), 2883-2896.
  • Chang, X., Seo, M., Takebayashi, Y., Kamiya, Y., Riemann, M., & Nick, P. (2017): Jasmonates are induced by the PAMP flg22 but not the cell death-inducing elicitor Harpin in Vitis rupestris. Protoplasma, 254(1), 271-283.
  • Hazman, M., Hause, B., Eiche, E., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2016): Different forms of osmotic stress evoke qualitatively different responses in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 202, 45-56.
  • Duan, D., Fischer, S., Merz, P., Bogs, J., Riemann, M., Nick, P. (2016): An ancestral allele of grapevine transcription factor MYB14 promotes plant defence. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(6), 1795-1804.
  • Gutjahr, C., Gobbato, E., Choi, J., Riemann, M., Johnston, M. G., Summers, W., Carbonnel, S., Mansfield, C., Yang, S.-Y., Nadal, M., Acosta, I., Takano, M., Jiao, W.-B., Schneeberger, K., Kelly, K. A.,  Paszkowski, U. (2015): Rice perception of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi requires the karrikin receptor complex. Science, 350(6267), 1521-1524.
  • Hazman, M., Hause, B., Eiche, E., Nick, P.,  Riemann, M. (2015): Increased tolerance to salt stress in OPDA-deficient rice ALLENE OXIDE CYCLASE mutants is linked to an increased ROS-scavenging activity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(11), 3339-3352.
  • Lu, J., Robert, C. A. M., Riemann, M., Cosme, M., Mène-Saffrané, L., Massana, J., Stout, M. J., Lou, Y., Gershenzon, J., Erb, M. (2015): Induced Jasmonate Signaling Leads to Contrasting Effects on Root Damage and Herbivore Performance. Plant Physiology, 167(3), 1100-1116.
  • Riemann, M., Dhakarey, R., Hazman, M., Miro, B., Kohli, A., & Nick, P. (2015): Exploring Jasmonates in the Hormonal Network of Drought and Salinity Responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6.
  • Riemann, M., Haga, K., Shimizu, T., Okada, K., Ando, S., Mochizuki, S., Nishizawa, Y., Yamanouchi, U., Nick, P., Yano, M., Minami, E., Takano, M., Yamane, H., Iino, M. (2013): Identification of rice Allene Oxide Cyclase mutants and the function of jasmonate for defence against Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Journal, 74(2), 226-238.
  • Ismail, A., Riemann, M.,  Nick, P. (2012): The jasmonate pathway mediates salt tolerance in grapevines. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63(5), 2127-2139.
  • Riemann, M., Riemann, M., Takano, M. (2008): Rice JASMONATE RESISTANT 1 is involved in phytochrome and jasmonate signalling. Plant, Cell and Environment, 31(6), 783-792.
  • Gutjahr, C., Riemann, M., Müller, A., Düchting, P., Weiler, E. W., Nick, P. (2005): Cholodny-Went revisited: A role for jasmonate in gravitropism of rice coleoptiles. Planta, 222(4), 575-585.
  • Riemann, M., Müller, A., Korte, A., Furuya, M., Weiler, E. W., & Nick, P. (2003): Impaired Induction of the Jasmonate Pathway in the Rice Mutant hebiba. Plant Physiology, 133(4), 1820-1830.
  • Kiefer, B., Riemann, M., Büche, C., Kassemeyer, H.-H., Nick, P. (2002): The host guides morphogenesis and stomatal targeting in the grapevine pathogen Plasmopara viticola. Planta, 215(3), 387-393.
  • Riemann, M., Büche, C., Kassemeyer, H.-H., Nick, P. (2002): Cytoskeletal responses during early development of the downy mildew of grapevine (Plasmopara viticola). Protoplasma, 219(1-2), 0013-0022.