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Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and the Dairy Sector in Ukraine (Quality FOOD Trade Program)

Titre originalHigher Value Added Trade from the Organic and the Dairy Sector in Ukraine (Quality FOOD Trade Program)

The overall goal of the programme is to increase value added trade from the organic and dairy sector, both domestic and export markets, by pursuing two objectives:

  1. to strengthen product quality and safety in the organic and dairy sector.
  2. to increase trade capacity in the domestic and export markets with consumer products from the organic and dairy sector.
Description détaillée du projet

Interventions under objective 1 mostly work on the policy level, assisting the Ministries and their departments and secondary institutions with organic and food safety related policies, strategies, and regulations. Key partners are the new Ministry for Economic Development, Trade, and Agriculture and the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumers Protection (SSFSCP). A major work under this objective is the enforcement of a nation-wide risk-based milk monitoring system.

Interventions under objective 2 mostly work on meso- and micro-level, supporting sector stakeholders, primarily through service providers, in order to develop domestic and export markets. An enhanced organic multi-stakeholder platform plays a pivotal role in building capacities and better organizing the sector and thus fostering organic market development and international trade.

The programme is embedded in government policies, strategies and reform processes, and relies on the understanding that functioning domestic market systems serve as a basic infrastructure for international trade.

  • Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)
Programme (de recherche)
  • Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie SECO – Coopération économique et développement
Partenaire de projet
  • Ministry for Economic Development, Trade, and Agriculture
  • State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumers Protection (SSFSCP)
  • SAFOSO AG (www.safoso.ch/index.html)
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
Collaborateurs du FiBL
  • Bernet Thomas (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • Grovermann Christian (Département des systèmes agri-alimentaires)
  • Huber Beate (Vice-présidente du comité de direction; Departement für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)
  • Richter Toralf (Département de la coopération internationale)

Projektmanagement, Beratung

Numéro du projet FiBL 65181
Date de modification 31.05.2024