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Certification bio en Bulgarie


The main objective of the project was to transfer knowledge to Bulgarian partners in order to enable them to set-up an independent and locally owned certification agency. The set-up of an independent Bulgarian certification agency aimed at offering cost-efficient and credible inspection and certification services for farmers, processors and traders. Doing so, their access to export and domestic markets was facilitated.
Giving Bulgarian farmers a realistic possibility to overcome the barrier of certification enabled the Bulgarian farming sector to benefit from the increasing demand for organic products on the international market and also to establish a domestic market for organic products in Bulgaria.  Furthermore the project supported the establishment of a branch office in Macedonia and the extension of activities towards Serbia.

Description détaillée du projet

Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
  • Huber Beate (Département de la coopération internationale; Vice-présidente du comité de direction)
Numéro du projet FiBL 65004
Date de modification 27.10.2023