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Anwendung einer organischen Biodüngertechnologie zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit im Dattelpalmanbau

Titre originalApplication of organic bio-fertilizer technology to improve the sustainability of date palm production and cultivation

Die Dattelpalme ist eine wichtige Kulturpflanze in Marokko und Tunesien. Raue Umweltbedingungen und die zunehmende Verbreitung von Wurzelkrankheiten gefährden jedoch den Dattelanbau. Um Erträge zu sichern, setzen Bauern grosse Mengen chemische Dünger und Pestizide sowie eine intensive Bewässerung ein, was negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und den Lebensunterhalt der Bauern hat.

Um Kultivierungsmethoden nachhaltiger zu gestalten, zielt das Projekt auf die Entwicklung einer organischen Biodüngertechnologie, die den Einsatz von symbiontischen Bodenorganismen (Biodüngern), organischer Recyclingdünger und Mischkultur kombiniert. Im Fokus der Biodünger stehen dabei Mykorrhizapilze und Rhizobakterien. Es soll eine Auswahl effizienter Biodüngerentstehen, welche das Wachstum, die Nährstoffaufnahme und Krankheitsresistenz der Dattelpalme erhöhen. Auf den Anwender angepasste Vermehrungs- und Einsatztechniken sollen gemeinsam mit Bauern und Laboratorien entwickelt und getestet werden. Eine Innovationsplattform soll dabei den Austausch zwischen allen Akteuren der Dattelpalmindustrie gewährleisten und neues technologisches Wissen verbreiten.

Site web officiel du projetwww.fertiledatepalm.net
Description détaillée du projet

Date palm is an important crop in Morocco, Tunisia and many other dryland ecosystems with a high agricultural, economic and cultural value. The prevailing harsh environmental conditions, which are further accelerated by climate change and the spread of root diseases, are threatening date palm propagation and cultivation. To overcome growth limitations, current date palm cultivation regularly involves high inputs of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation. However, these external inputs strongly impact the environment and the livelihoods of farmers, are cost-intensive, not resilient and thus not sustainable.

The project aims at establishing a novel organic bio-fertilizer technology, combining the application of native beneficial soil microorganisms during tissue culture and field propagation of date palms, together with adapted agricultural management practices using organic amendments and intercropping with leguminous nitrogen-fixing crops. As bio-fertilizers, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are in focus. A culture collection of native AMF and PGPR, isolated from date palm roots and rhizosphere, will be established, and strains selected for date palm growth promotion, nutrient acquisition and pathogen suppression will subsequently be used as bio-fertilizers. Customized propagation and application techniques of bio-fertilizers will be elaborated such as modern in-vitro methods suitable for tissue culture laboratories and low-tech approaches for smallholder farmers. The technology will be developed in a participatory approach, working at laboratory, on-station and on-farm scale. As part of an innovation platform, aims and problems of date palm producers (tissue culture laboratories, smallholder farmers and farmers’ organisations) will be targeted in order to align them with the research process. Gained knowledge on technical and methodological innovations will be disseminated to a broader circle of stakeholders including regional and national agricultural agencies in order to influence their operational procedures.

The proposed organic bio-fertilizer technology will contribute to more sustainable, resilient agriculture, safeguarding natural resources. It will help maintain and increase date palm production, and counteract the ongoing land degradation and desertification of dryland soils. It is anticipated that the knowledge gained in this project in Morocco and Tunisia can be transferred to other areas where date palm represents a major crop.


Swiss Programme for Research on global Issues for Development, a partnership of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Partenaire de projet
  • Prof. Rachid Bouamri and collaborators, National School of Agriculture of Meknes, Morocco
  • Prof. Mohamed Hafidi and collaborators, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
  • Prof. Hassan El Achbani, National Institute of Agricultural Research, Morocco
  • Dr. Lotfi Fki, Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Tunisia
  • Prof. Ahmed Mliki, Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cédria, Tunisia
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
  • Mäder Paul (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
  • Petris-Symanczik Sarah (Département des sciences du sol)
(les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)
Collaborateurs du FiBL

Projektkoordination, Molekularbiologische Analysen

Numéro du projet FiBL 10100
Date de modification 23.09.2024