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Ökologischer Landbau in Abu Dhabi

Titre originalOrganic Agriculture in Abu Dhabi

Das Projekt baut die Organic Agriculture Section (Biolandbau-Abteilung des Farmer Services Centre) in Abu Dhabi auf. Unter anderem durch Trainings und angewandte Forschung/Demonstrationsbetriebe sollen in Abu Dhabi die Kompetenzen hinsichtlich des Biolandbaus gestärkt werden, um das Bewusstsein über die biologische Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittel zu verbessern, die Umstellung auf den Biolandbau zu fördern und die Vermarktung von Biolebensmitteln zu unterstützen.

Description détaillée du projet

Project activities:

  1. Establish and efficient management of the project and deployment of resources.
  2. Build competence among ADFSC advisory and applied research staff working for OAS with regard to the potential, benefits, challenges, regulations and techniques of organic agriculture.
  3. Provide ADFSC access to a pool of competent experts on all aspects of organic farming, sustainable agriculture and food chains.
  4. Inform the private and public stakeholders of the organic agriculture sector in Abu Dhabi about the specific potential, benefits, challenges, regulations and techniques of organic agriculture.
  5. Provide farmers’ access to organic agriculture techniques through knowledge transfer, pilot farms and on-farm research.
  6. Increase awareness about oganic agriculture and food.
  7. Implement a comprehensive, pragmatic organic solution oriented research and demonstration programme.
  8. Provide services to enable market sales of organic farm products in Abu Dhabi.
  9. Raise the awareness of Abu Dhabi consumers about the benefits of organic agriculture and food.

Abu Dhabi Farmers Service Center

Programme (de recherche)
  • Autres programmes
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
  • Huber Beate (Vice-présidente du comité de direction; Departement für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)
Collaborateurs du FiBL
  • Bernet Thomas (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • Conder Malgorzata (Département finances, ressources & administration)
  • Gattinger Andreas (FiBL Allemagne)
  • Nicolay Gian L. (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • Richter Toralf (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • van den Berge Paul (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • Wilbois Klaus-Peter ()
  • Willer Helga (Département vulgarisation, formation & communication)
(les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)

Project implementation

Pour en savoir davantage

www.adfsc.ae/en/pages/home.aspx (Website of ADFSC)

Numéro du projet FiBL 65136
Date de modification 27.10.2023