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National Action Plans for Pesticide Reduction: The role of Biocontrol

25th October 2016, 16:30 - 19:30h, Congress Center Basel

This panel discussion investigates what biocontrol can contribute to pesticide use and risk reduction goals as formulated in national action plans. Located within the Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting ABIM it provides the opportunity to get an overview on the latest developments in the exciting field of biocontrol and to exchange with practitioners.

About the panel discussion

Reducing pesticide use and risks in agriculture is a joint responsibility of policy makers, farmers, private sector and civil society. Biocontrol approaches and technologies have significantly advanced and can play an important role to achieve this objective. What needs to be done in order to enhance the use of alternative crop protection methods? What can farmers, researchers, biocontrol manufacturers, retailers, consumers and policy makers contribute?


  • Bernard Lehmann, Director, Swiss Office for Agriculture BLW
  • Vittorio Veronelli, Vice President, International Biocontrol Manufacturer Association IBMA
  • Leon Mol, Senior Manager Product Integrity, Ahold, The Netherlands
  • Indira Moreno Echeverri, Pest Management Expert, UTZ Certified / IPM Coalition
  • Cesar Gonzalez, Policy Advisor, Copa/Cogeca
  • Frank Eyhorn, Senior Advisor Sustainable Agriculture, Helvetas (Moderator)


  • 15:30 Registration
    Participants can visit the exhibition of the Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting ABIM
  • 16:30 Welcome: Urs Niggli, Director, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
    Panel Discussion: National Action Plans for Pesticide Reduction: The role of Biocontrol
    • Introductory statements
    • Moderated discussion
    • Questions from the plenum
    • Summary of conclusions
  • 17.50 Short break
  • 18.00 Key note address by Thilivhali Nepfumbada, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, South Africa
  • 18:30 Aperitif (until 19:30)

Further information


Lucius Tamm

Registration, free entry

hevetas.ch: Information to the panel discusion "National Action Plans for Pesticide Reduction: The role of Biocontrol"


Congress Center Basel, Messeplatz 21. Tram No. 2 or 6 to "Messeplatz".
