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Strengthening calves and piglets with medicinal plants

The potential of phytotherapy from a scientific perspective

The use of medicinal plants can make a valuable contribution to the prevention and treatment of diseases in young livestock. At the same time, it can also be used as a complement to veterinary therapy to assist with recovery. This factsheet presents the traditionally most frequently used and, from a scientific perspective, most promising medicinal plants and explains how they can be applied in practice.

Pages 24
Auteur·es Hanna Ayrle-Stauss, Michael Walkenhorst (both FiBL)
Éditeur(s) FiBL
Année de parution 2023
Série Dossier / Faits et chiffres
Version Version imprimée / Télécharger
Langue Anglais
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7914286
Édition pour Suisse
Numéro d'article 1596