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Visiting Friends of Agrobiodiversity Across Europe

A tour to explore how organic plant and animal breeding contributes to sustainable food systems

The publication takes readers on a journey to 15 organic plant and animal breeding initiatives in Europe. Every initiative is presented by a person involved in the initiative. For each initiative, the aims and challenges are described. The selected examples give a good insight into the great diversity of initiatives to maintain and promote biodiversity in organic crops and animal species.

Pages 40
Auteur·es Kaja Gutzen (FiBL Germany), Mariateresa Lazzaro (FiBL Switzerland)
Éditeur(s) FiBL
Année de parution 2022
Série Dossier / Faits et chiffres
Version Seulement à télécharger
Langue Anglais
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6726833
Numéro d'article 1422