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Organic Cotton Crop Guide

A manual for practitioners in the tropics

Designed primarily as a reference manual for extension workers and farmers, the Organic Cotton Crop Guide provides comprehensive practical know-how on organic cotton production in the tropics. The guide covers all relevant aspects from soil preparation and variety selection over crop nutrition and pest management to the economic performance of organic cotton farming. www.fibl.org/en/themes/organic-cotton provides all information about FiBL's cotton projects in India and extension materials for download.

Pages 64
Auteur·es Frank Eyhorn, Saro G. Ratter, Mahesh Ramakrishnan
Éditeur(s) FiBL
Année de parution 2005
Série Guide
Version Seulement à télécharger
Langue Anglais
ISBN 978-3-906081-67-0
Numéro d'article 1388