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Life cycle assessments of organic foods

Organic Farming and Sustainability

The fact sheet presents the tool of the product-related life cycle assessment as it is currently used for assessing ecological sustainability in the food and farming sector. Based on internal and external calculations, the authors analyse the meaningfulness of comparative life cycle assessment of food from extensive production systems with those from more intensive production systems. In the interest of a comprehensive environmental assessment of food production, the authors propose substantial extensions of the existing method at different levels.

Pages 12
Auteur·es Matthias Meier (FiBL Switzerland), Stefan Hörtenhuber (FiBL Austria), Christian Schader (FiBL Switzerland) and Matthias Stolze (FiBL Switzerland)
Éditeur(s) FiBL
Année de parution 2017
Série Dossier / Faits et chiffres
Version Seulement à télécharger
Langue Anglais
ISBN 978-3-03736-051-4
Numéro d'article 1020