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Citrus Greening and NFC Procurement 2020-24


Coop is sourcing organic citrus juices from Mexico. For a couple of years, a new disease has been threatening the outstanding quality of this provenience: the Huanglongbing citrus greening disease (HLB). Research for solutions to this disease is of high priority. Therefore, within the frame of this project, FiBL is developing an integral management concept of the HLB disease in organic citrus production.

Site web officiel du projethttps://citrus-greening.fibl.org
Description détaillée du projet

HLB is a highly contagious bacterial disease and affecting the quality of the juices, reducing its ratio, as well as the yield and the general health of the citrus trees. To control HLB with the methods of organic farming is a big challenge. This project aims to provide practical solutions for the organic management of the HLB disease to organic citrus producers. Further, the project aims a south-south exchange between organic citrus producers, as well as a cooperation with local research and advisory centers, under the coordination of FiBL.

  • Coop Sustainability Fund
Programme (de recherche)
  • Fonds Coop pour le développement durable
Partenaire de projet
  • Citricos EX, Programa Orgánico
  • Universidad Nacional de Mexico (UNAM)
  • Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Centro Nacional de Referencia de Control Biológico
  • Ultraquimia
Direction du projet du FiBL / contact
Collaborateurs du FiBL
  • Bernet Thomas (Département de la coopération internationale)
  • Daniel Claudia (Département des sciences des plantes)
  • Fuchs Jacques (Département des sciences des plantes)
  • Schärer Hans-Jakob (Département des sciences des plantes)
  • Tamm Lucius (Département des sciences des plantes)
  • Ulmann Selina Laura (Département de la coopération internationale)
(les personnes sans lien sont d’anciens collaborateurs du FiBL)
Pour en savoir davantage
Numéro du projet FiBL 65088, 65117, 65202
Date de modification 09.07.2024