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Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints
Pfeifer, J., Mielewczik, M., Friedli, M., Kirchgessner, N. & Walter, A. (2018): Non-destructive measurement of soybean leaf thickness via X-ray computed tomography allows the study of diel leaf growth rhythms in the third dimension. Journal of Plant Research, 131, 111-124
Kirchgessner, N., Liebisch, F., Yu, K., Pfeifer, J., Friedli, M., Hund, A., & Walter, A. (2017): The ETH field phenotyping platform FIP: A cable-suspended multi-sensor system. Functional Plant Biology
Friedli, M., Kirchgessner, N., Grieder, C., Liebisch, F., Mannale, M. & Walter, A. (2016): Terrestrial 3D laser scanning to track the increase in canopy height of both monocot and dicot crop species under field conditions. Plant Methods 12:9
Friedli, M. (2015): Establishment and application of phenotyping methods to measure leaf and canopy growth in the laboratory and field. ETH Zürich, Doktorarbeit
Najar-Rodriguez, AJ., Friedli, M., Klaiber, J. & Dorn, S. (2015): Aphid-deprivation from Brassica plants results in increased isothiocyanate release and parasitoid attraction. Chemoecology, 25, 303-311.
Friedli, M. & Walter, A. (2014): Diel growth patterns of young soybean (Glycine max) leaflets are synchronous throughout different positions on a plant. Plant, Cell & Environment, 38, 514-524
Mielewczik, M., Friedli, M., Kirchgessner, N., Walter, A. (2013): Diel leaf growth of soybean: a novel method to analyze two-dimensional leaf expansion in high temporal resolution based on a marker tracking approach (Martrack Leaf). Plant Methods, 9