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Fruit production in agroforestry and development of water savings: multistate and syntropic mediterranean orchards

Titolo del progetto in lingua originaleProduire des fruits en AgrofoResterie et Développer les Economies d’eau : vergers multi-Strates et SYntropiques Méditerranéens

Fruit trees are generally grown as monocultures, even in organic farming. Such standardised agro-ecosystems can have low resilience and are dependent on external inputs (fertilisers, water, pesticides, etc.). The PARDESSYM project aims to explore agroforestry (hedgerow-orchard, syntropic agriculture, etc.) as a way of "unspecialising" orchards: shrubs, bushes and tall trees are then interspersed between fruit trees to provide services in terms of biodiversity, soil fertility, plant health, resistance and resilience to climatic extremes, etc.

The PARDESSYM project plans to evaluate the provision of these services as a function of the level of complexity of the agroecosystem, through the establishment of on-farm agroforestry orchards and dedicated experimental setups. Root interactions and soil functions, the effect of shading on photosynthesis and the economic viability of such systems are all part of the research programme.

Finanziamento / donatori
  • Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse (Water and climate: act faster, stronger in the territories)
  • Domorrow, Fonds de dotation philanthropique
Programma (di ricerca)
  • Sonstige Programme
Partner del progetto
  • Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRAE)
  • Groupe de Recherche de l’Agriculture Biologique (GRAB)
  • Université des Alvéoles
  • Association pour le Développement de l’Agroécologie et de l’Agroforesterie (ADAF)
Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
Collaboratrici e collaboratori del FiBL coinvolti
Ruolo del FiBL

Project leader and coordinator, field experiments

Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • FiBL Francia
Numero di progetto del FiBL 24001
Data di modifica 11.02.2025