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Mathilde Chomel

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Francia

Campi di attività

  • Interazioni suolo-piante
  • Ciclo del carbonio
  • Biodiversità del suolo
  • Conseguenze del cambiamento globale


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Bardgett R., Bullock J., Lavorel S., Manning P, Schaffner U., Ostle N., Chomel M., Durigan G., Fry E.,Johnson D., Lavallee J., Le Provost G., Luo S., Png K., Sankaran M., Xiangyang H., Zhou H., Ma L.,Weibo R., Xiliang L., Yong D., Yuanheng L., Hongxiao S. (2021). Combatting global grassland degradation. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2 : 720-735.
  • Rhymes J, Cordero I., Chomel M., Lavallee J., Straathof A., Ashworth D., Langridge H., Semchenko M., de Vries F., Johnson D., Bardgett R. (2021). Are researchers following best storage practices for measuring soil nutrients and microbial biomass? Soil,7 (1): 95-106
  • Aupic-Samain A.; Santonja M.; Chomel M.; Pereira S.; Quer E.; Lecareux C.; Limousin J.M.; Ourcival J.M.; Simioni G.; Gauquelin T.; Fernandez C.; Baldy V. (2021). Soil biota response to experimental rainfall reduction depends on the dominant tree species in mature Northern Mediterranean forests. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, 154
  • Chomel M., Baldy V., Guittonny M., Greff S., DesRochers A. (2020). Litter leachates have stronger impact than leaf litter on Folsomia candida fitness. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry, 147
  • Chomel M., Lavallee J. , Alvarez-Segura N., de Castro F., Rhymes J., Caruso T., de Vries F., Baggs E., Emmerson M., Bardgett R., Johnson D. (2019). Drought decreases incorporation of recent plant photosynthate into soil food webs regardless of their trophic complexity. Global Change Biology, 25(10): 3549-3561
  • Fry E, De Long J, Alvarez Garrido L., Alvarez N., Carrillo Y., Castaneda-Gomez L., Chomel M., Dondini M., Drake J., Hasegawa S., Hortal S., Jackson B., Jiang M., Lavallee J., Medlyn B., Rhymes J., Singh B., Smith P., Anderson I., Bardgett R, Baggs E., Johnson D.  (2018). Using plant, microbe, and soil fauna traits to improve the predictive power of biogeochemical models. Method in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (1): 146-157
  • Chomel M., Guittonny-Larchevêque M., Fernandez C., Gallet C., DesRochers A., Paré D., Jackson B.G., Baldy V. (2016). Plant secondary metabolites: a key driver of litter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Journal of Ecology, 104: 1527-1541
  • Chomel, M., Guittonny-Larchevêque, M., DesRochers, A. & Baldy, V. (2016) Effect of mixing herbaceous litter with tree litters on decomposition and N release in boreal plantations. Plant and Soil, 398: 229-241
  • Chomel M., Baldy, V., Larchevêque M., DesRochers A. (2015). Home field advantage of litter decomposition in pure and mixed plantations under boreal climate. Ecosystems, 18: 1014-1028
  • Chomel M., DesRochers A., Baldy V., Larchevêque M., and Gauquelin T. (2014). Non-additive effects of mixing hybrid poplar and white spruce on aboveground and soil carbon storage in boreal plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 328 : 292-299
  • Chomel M., Fernandez C., Bousquet-Mélou A., Gers C., Monnier Y., Santonja M., Gauquelin T., Gros  R., Lecareux C., Baldy V. (2014). Secondary metabolites of Pinus halepensis alter decomposer organisms and litter decomposition during afforestation of abandoned agricultural zones. Journal of Ecology, 102: 411 - 424
  • Fernandez C., Santonja M., Gros R., Monnier Y., Chomel M., Baldy V., Bousquet-Mélou A. (2013). Allelochemicals of Pinus halepensis as drivers of biodiversity in Mediterranean open mosaic habitats during the colonization stage of secondary succession. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 39(2): 298-311