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Amritbir Riar

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Svizzera, Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, Gruppo Sistemi dicoltivazione resilienti
  • Supplenza alla gestione del Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale
  • Gestione del Gruppo Sistemi dicoltivazione resilienti

Campi di attività

  • Sviluppo dei sistemi agricoli
  • Agrobiodiversità
  • Sistemi di sementi
  • Ricerca partecipativa
  • Adattamento climatico


StatoFiBLTitolo del progettoInizioFine
in corso CH Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und funktionalen Biodiversität landwirtschaftlicher Systeme durch die Einbeziehung von Landrassen in Karnataka (Südindien) 01.12.2024 30.11.2027
in corso CHDEEU Biologische Saatgut- und Pflanzenzüchtung zur Förderung nachhaltiger und vielfältiger Lebensmittelsysteme in Europa (LiveSeeding) 01.10.2022 30.09.2026
in corso CH Projekt für den Zugang zu Märkten und Saatgut für Kleingetreide und Hülsenfrüchte in Sambia und Simbabwe (MASAP) 01.12.2021 30.11.2033
in corso CH Consumption of Resilient Orphan Crops & Products for Healthier Diets (CROPS4HD) 01.07.2021
completato CH Schulungen für Baumwollbauern und ausgewählte Hauptakteure zur Einführung von Biobaumwollstandards in der usbekischen Baumwollproduktion 16.04.2020 31.10.2021
completato CH Trainingsmaterialien und -programm für Bio-Baumwollanbau in Indien (OCTC) 01.03.2020 30.04.2021
completato CH Rolle der Anbaudiversifizierung bei der Verbesserung des Lebensunterhalts indischer Biobaumwollbauern 17.01.2020 31.10.2020
completato CH Mikrobielle Stickstoffumsetzung und funktionelle Diversität von Bodenmikroorganismen in biologischen und konventionellen landwirtschaftlichen Anbausystemen der gemässigten und tropischen Kilmate 01.01.2019 30.06.2022
completato CH Seeding the Green Future: Züchtung für die Erhaltung der Biobaumwolle und der genetischen Diversität (SGF) 01.01.2018 30.06.2022
completato CH Seeding the Green Future: Züchtung für die Erhaltung der Biobaumwolle und der genetischen Diversität (SGF) 01.01.2017 31.03.2018
in corso CH Kleinbauern orientierte partizipative Baumwollzüchtung für den ökologischen und Low-Input Anbau in Indien (Green Cotton) 01.01.2013
in corso CH Landwirtschaftlicher Langzeit-Systemvergleich in den Tropen (SysCom) 01.05.2005 31.12.2026


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Padhi, S.R., John, R., Bartwal, A., Tripathi, K., Gupta, K., Wankhede, D.P., Mishra, G.P., Kumar, S., Rana, J.C., Riar, A. and Bhardwaj, R., 2022. Development and optimization of NIRS prediction models for simultaneous multi-trait assessment in diverse cowpea germplasm. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, pp.1001551-1001551.
  • Riar, A., Gill, G. and McDonald, G.K., 2020. Rate of nitrogen rather than timing of application influence yield and NUE of canola in south Australian Mediterranean environments. Agronomy, 10(10), p.1505.
  • Riar, A., Gill, G. and McDonald, G., 2020. Different post-sowing nitrogen management approaches required to improve nitrogen and water use efficiency of canola and mustard. Frontiers in plant science, 11, p.1111.
  • Riar, A. and Bhullar, G.S., 2020. Long-term experiments agriculture: stages, challenges, and. Long-Term Farming Systems Research: Ensuring Food Security in Changing Scenarios, p.3.
  • Bhullar GS, Riar A, editors. Long-Term Farming Systems Research: Ensuring Food Security in Changing Scenarios. Academic Press; 2020 May 17.
  • Riar A., Gill G., McDonald G. (2017) ‘Effect of Post-Sowing Nitrogen Management on Canola and Mustard: I. Yield Responses’. Agronomy Journal. DOI: 10.2134/agronj2016.12.0728.
  • Riar A., Gill G. and McDonald G. ‘Effect of post-sowing nitrogen management on Co-limitation of nitrogen and water in canola and mustard’ Field Crops Research, 198 pp 23-31.
  • Coventry D., Poswal R., Yadav A., Riar A., Zhou Y., Kumar A., Chand R., Chhokar R., Sharma R., Yadav V., Gupta R., Mehta A. and Cummins J. 2015. ‘A comparison of farming practices and performance for wheat production in Haryana, India’ Agricultural Systems, 137 pp. 139-153.
  • Coventry D., Poswal R., Yadav A., Gupta R., Duggal B., Chhokar R., Kumar V., Riar A., Gill S., Kumar A., Sharma R., Chand R., Sendhil R., Kleemann S. and Cummins J. 2013, ‘Enhancing farm profitability by growing wheat for Chapatti quality markets in Haryana, India’ African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 8(48), pp. 6265-6274, DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2013.7262 
  • Riar A. and Coventry D. 2013, ‘Nitrogen use as a component of sustainable crop systems’ In: Bhullar G. and Bhullar N. eds: Agricultural Sustainability: Progress and Prospects in Crop Research, U.K: Elsevier, pp. 63-76.
  • Singh R., Kumar A., Verma R., Chand R., Kumar A. and Riar A. 2012, ‘Policy issues and perception of farmers about malt barley cultivation under contract farming in Haryana’ Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, Vol. 7(1), pp. 26-31.
  • Singh R., Coventry D., Sharma R., Gupta R., Chhokar R., Gill S., Kumar A., Yadav A., Riar A., Chand R. and Cummins J. 2012, ‘Effect of Tillage and Nutrient Management on Wheat Yield and Quality in Rice-Wheat Rotation’ In: Singh S., Hanchinal R., Singh G., Sharma R., Tyagi B., Sharma M., Sharma I. eds. Wheat: Productivity Enhancement under Changing Climate, New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, pp. 212-217.
  • Riar A., Chhina G. and Chatha H. 2011, ‘Response of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) to plant density and mulching in term of growth and rhizomes yield in Northern India’ Progressive Agriculture, Vol. 11(2), pp. 450-452.
  • Singh R., Kumar A., Verma R., Chand R., Kumar A., Riar A. and Singh S. 2011, ‘Scope of malt barley cultivation through contract farming in Punjab’ Progressive Agriculture, Vol. 11(2), pp 390-396.