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Robert Home

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Svizzera, Dipartimento di scienze dei sistemi agroalimentari, Gruppo Società & innovazione
  • Supplenza alla gestione del Gruppo Società & innovazione

Campi di attività

  • Ricerca sociale
  • Ricerca partecipativa
  • Sostegno all’innovazione


StatoFiBLTitolo del progettoInizioFine
in corso CH Verknüpfung ökologischer und sozioökonomischer Wissenschaften, um die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Honig- und Wildbienen besser zu verstehen (BEENERGIA) 01.06.2025 30.05.2029
in corso CH Schutz und Förderung von Wildformen von Nutzpflanzen (PRO-WILD) 01.09.2024 31.08.2029
in corso CH Gewinnung neuartiger TEXtile-Lösungen aus MAriner und TERrestrischer Biomasse (TexMaTer) 01.09.2024 31.08.2028
in corso CH Verbreitung einer offenen und integrativen Bodenkunde und Bodenkultur durch künstlerische Praxis und Bildung (SoilScape) 01.06.2024 31.05.2028
in corso CH Die Rolle von pluralen Werten, Intersektionalität, Hebelpunkten, Einstellungen, Normen, Verhalten und sozialem Lernen in der Transformation für die Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich Biodiversität (EU Planet4B) 01.11.2022 31.10.2025
in corso CH Ermutigung von Landwirt*innen zu nachhaltigen Landwirtschaftssystemen durch politische und unternehmerische Strategien (ENFASYS) 01.09.2022 30.08.2026
in corso CH Agrarökologische Umstellung und Biozertifizierung in Vietnam zur Stärkung ländlicher Gemeinschaften (SNF Agro-econvert) 01.04.2022 31.03.2025
in corso CH Lehrgang gesamtbetriebliche Biodiversitätsberatung auf Landwirtschaftsbetrieben 01.01.2022 31.12.2026
in corso CH Deliberative Ernährungsweisen: Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit des Schweizer Ernährungssystems von der Produktion zum Konsum (DeliDiets) 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
completato CH Multi-actor and transdisciplinary development of efficient and resilient MIXED farming and agroforestry-systems (MIXED) 01.10.2020 30.09.2024
in corso CH Zielorientierte Biodiversitätsförderung im Kanton Zürich (ZiBiF) 01.06.2020 01.06.2028
in corso CH Erhöhung der Nutzungsdauer schweizerischer Milchkühe: Einflussfaktoren, Zukunftsszenarien und Strategieentwicklung 01.04.2020 31.03.2025
completato CH Austausch über BetterGardens 01.04.2020 30.04.2022
completato CH BioSuisse Neues Kontrollmodell 01.01.2019 01.02.2020
completato CH Bessere Innovation in ländlichen Gegenden: Vernetzung von Akteuren, Instrumenten und Richtlinien (LIAISON) 01.05.2018 01.11.2021
completato CHDE Intelligente Verknüpfung von staatlichen Maßnahmen und privaten Initiativen zur Verbesserung der Umwelt- und Sozialstandards in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten am Beispiel der Textilindustrie (SMART-MiX+PI) 01.11.2017 31.03.2020
completato CH ImproCalf - Verbesserung der Mastkälbergesundheit durch Anpassung der Aufzuchtbedingungen auf dem Geburtsbetrieb (ImproCalf) 01.10.2016 30.09.2019
completato CH Kochen und Essen als ästhetische Praxis. Eine explorative Studie 01.01.2016 31.12.2018
completato CH BetterGardens: Bodenqualität, Biodiversität und sozialer Wert von Stadtgärten (Sinergia BetterGardens) 01.01.2015 31.12.2018
completato CH Die Rolle urbaner Landwirtschaft für ein nachhaltiges städtisches Ernährungssystem (Ernährungssystem Basel, Urban Agriculture Basel) 01.02.2014 29.02.2016
completato CH Ensuring the integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY) 01.01.2014 31.12.2018
completato CH Familiengärten – Biogärten: Ansätze zur Förderung der Ökologisierung städtischer Flächen 01.02.2013 31.12.2014
completato CH Datennetzwerk zur Verbesserung von europäischen Biomarktdaten (OrganicDataNetwork) 01.01.2012 31.12.2014
completato CH SOLINSA: Support of learning and innovation networks for sustainable agriculture (SOLINSA) 01.02.2011 31.01.2014
completato CH Mit Vielfalt punkten (MVP) 01.01.2008 31.12.2016


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

  • Home R, Weiner M, Schader C. (2021) Smart Mixes in International Supply Chains: A Definition and Analytical Tool, Illustrated with the Example of Organic Imports into Switzerland. Administrative Sciences. 11(3):99.
  • Home, R. and Bauer, N. (2021) Researchers working with city administrations: Reflecting on transdisciplinary collaboration under conditions of shared goals but different constraints, Urban Ecosystems, 10.1007/s11252-021-01146-y,
  • Cronin, E., Fosselle, S., Rogge, E. and Home, R. (2021) An Analytical Framework to Study Multi-Actor Partnerships Engaged in Interactive Innovation Processes in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development Sector, Sustainability, 13, 6428.
  • Rell, J., Wunsch, N., Home, R., Kaske, M., Walkenhorst, M. and Vaarst, M. (2020) Stakeholders’ perceptions of the challenges to improving calf health and reducing antimicrobial use in Swiss veal production, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 179, 104970,
  • Home, R., Oehen, B., Käsmayr, A., Wiesel, J. and Van der Meulen, N. (2020) The Importance of Being Local: The Role of Authenticity in the Concepts Offered by Non-Themed Domestic Restaurants in Switzerland, Sustainability, 12(9), 3907;
  • Home, R. and Vieli, L. (2020) Psychosocial outcomes as motivations for urban gardening: A cross-cultural comparison of Swiss and Chilean gardeners, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 52,
  • Payne, S., Nicholas-Davies, P. and Home, R. (2019) Harnessing Implementation Science and Self-Determination Theory in Participatory Research to Advance Global Legume Productivity, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.|
  • Sousa, F., Nicolay, G. and Home, R. (2019) Video on Mobile Phones as an Effective Way to Promote Sustainable Practices by Facilitating Innovation Uptake in Mali. International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 5(1), pp. 1-8.
  • Home, R. Lewis, O., Bauer, N., Fliessbach, A., Frey, D., Lichtsteiner, S., Moretti, M., Tresch, S., Young, C., Zanetta, A. and Stolze, M. (2019) Effects of garden management practices, by different types of gardeners, on human wellbeing and ecological and soil sustainability in Swiss cities. Urban Ecosystems. 22(1) pp 189–199.
  • Gabel, V., Home, R., Stoeckli, S., Meier, M., Stolze, M. and Köpke, U. (2018) Evaluating On-Farm Biodiversity: A Comparison of Assessment Methods, Sustainability 10(12), 4812;
  • Andres, C., Hoerler, R., Home, R., Joerin, J., Dzahini-Obiatey, H., Ameyaw, G., Domfeh, O., Blaser, W., Gattinger, A., Offei, S. and Six, J. (2018) Social network to inform and prevent the spread of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana, Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38: 53.
  • Kendall, H., Kuznesof, S., Dean, M., Chan, M. Y., Clark, B., Home, R., Stolz, H., Zhong, Q., Chuan He, L., Brereton, P. and Frewer, L. (2018) Chinese consumer's attitudes, perceptions and behavioural responses towards food fraud, Food Control, 95, pp. 339–351
  • Gabel, V., Home, R., Stolze, M., Pfiffner, L., Birrer, S. and Köpke, U. (2018) Motivations for swiss lowland farmers to conserve biodiversity: Identifying factors to predict proportions of implemented ecological compensation areas. Journal of Rural Studies, 62 pp. 68-76.
  • Lewis, O., Home, R. and Kisos, T. (2018) Digging for the roots of urban gardening behaviours, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 34, pp. 105-113.
  • Kendall, H., Naughton, P., Kuznesof, S., Raley, M., Dean, M., Clark, B., Stolz, H., Home, R., Chan, M. Y., Zhong, Q., Brereton, P. and Frewer, L. (2018) Food fraud and the perceived integrity of European food imports into China, PLOS ONE,
  • El Benni, N., Stolz, H., Home, R., Kendall, H., Kuznesof, S., Clark, B., Dean, M., Brereton, P., Frewer, L., Chan, M-Y., Zhong, Q. and Stolze, M. (2018) Product attributes and consumer attitudes affecting preferences for infant milk formula in China-a latent class approach, Food Quality and Preference, 71(2019) 25-33.
  • Home R, Indermuehle A, Tschanz A, Ries E, and Stolze M. (2018) Factors in the decision by Swiss farmers to convert to organic farming. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • Gabel, V., Home, R., Stolze, M., Birrer, S., Steinemann, B. and Köpke, U. (2018) The influence of on-farm advice on beliefs and motivations for Swiss lowland farmers to implement ecological compensation areas on their farms, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 24(3) pp. 233-248
  • Home, R., Bouagnimbeck, H., Ugas, R., Arbenz, M. and Stolze, M. (2017) Participatory Guarantee Systems: Organic Certification to Empower Farmers and Strengthen Communities, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 41 (5) pp. 526-545.
  • Sousa, F., Nicolay, G. & Home, R. (2016) Information technologies as a tool for agricultural extension and farmer-to-farmer exchange: Mobile-phone video use in Mali and Burkina Faso, International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 12(3), pp.19-36.
  • Home, R., Gerrard, C., Hempel, C., Lošťák, M., Vieweger, A., Husak, J., Stolze, M., Hamm, U., Padel, S., Willer, H., Vairo, D. & Zanoli, R. (2016) The quality of organic market data: providing data that is both fit for use and convenient, Organic Agriculture, 7(2) pp.141-152, DOI: 10.1007/s13165-016-0147-5.
  • Obrist, R., Moschitz, H. & Home, R. (2015) Das Landwirtschaftliche Wissensystem in der Schweiz neu gestalten, Agrarforschung Schweiz, 6 (5), pp.218-224.
  • Conedera, M., Del Biaggio, A., Seeland, K. Moretti, M. & Home R. (2015) Residents’ preferences and use of urban and peri-urban green spaces in a Swiss mountainous region of the Southern Alps, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14, pp.139–147.
  • Home, R. and Rump, N. (2015) Evaluation of a multi-case participatory action research project: The case of SOLINSA, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(1), pp.73-89, DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2014.991112
  • Moschitz, H. & Home, R. (2014) The challenges of innovation for sustainable agriculture and rural development: Integrating local actions into European policies with the Reflective Learning Methodology, Action Research, 12(4) pp. 392-409.; DOI:10.1177/1476750314539356.
  • Home, R., Angelone, S., Hunziker, M. & Bolliger, J. (2014) Public preferences for ecosystem enhancing elements in agricultural landscapes in the Swiss lowlands, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 11(2), pp.93–108.
  • Kupidura, A., Łuczewski, M., Home, R. and Kupidura, P. (2014) Public perceptions of rural landscapes in land consolidation procedures in Poland, Land Use Policy, 39, pp.313–319.
  • Home R., Balmer, O., Jahrl I., Stolze, M. & Pfiffner, L. (2014) Motivations for implementation of ecological compensation areas on Swiss lowland farms, Journal of Rural Studies, 34, pp. 26-36.
  • Home, R., Jawtusch, J. & Moschitz, H. (2013) Das landwirtschaftliche Wissenssystem in der Schweiz: Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung, Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture, 2013, pp. 33-59.
  • Buchecker, M., Menzel, S. and Home, R. (2013) How much does participatory flood management contribute to stakeholders’ social capacity building? Empirical findings based on a triangulation of three evaluation approaches, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, pp. 1427-1444.
  • Home, R., Bauer, N. & Hunziker, M. (2012) Psychosocial Outcomes as Motivations for Visiting Nearby Urban Green Spaces, Leisure Sciences, 34(4), pp. 350-365.
  • Braunisch, V., Home, R., Pellet, J. & Arlettaz, R. (2012) Conservation science relevant to action: A research agenda identified and prioritized by practitioners, Biological Conservation, 153, pp.201-210.
  • Home, R., Bauer, N. & Hunziker, M. (2010) Cultural and Biological Determinants in the Evaluation of Urban Green Spaces, Environment & Behavior, 42(4) pp. 494-523.
  • Home, R., Keller, C., Nagel, P., Bauer, N. & Hunziker, M. (2009) Selection Criteria for Flagship Species by Conservation Organizations, Environmental Conservation, 26(2), pp. 139-148.
  • Home, R., Bauer, N. & Hunziker, M. (2007) Constructing Urban Greenspaces:An Application of Kelly's Repertory Grid, Tourism Review, 62(3+4), pp. 47-52.
  • Home R. (2006) "Is There Room in the Suitcase for Values? Visitor Attitudes Towards Environmental Management in Tasmania", in K. Weiermair, H. Pechlaner, & T. Bieger (eds), Time Shift, Leisure and Tourism: Impacts of Time Allocation on Successful Products and Services, Erich Schmidt Verlag, pp. 73-84.
  • Home, R. (2005) A New Tune from an Old Instrument: The Application of SERVQUAL to a Tourism Service Business, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, Special Issue on Innovation, 6(3/4), pp. 187-204.
  • Slaughter, L.J. & Home, R. (2004) "Motivations of Long Term Volunteers: Human Services Vs Events", Paper presented at Las Vegas International Hospitality & Convention Summit, June 10-13, 2004.


  • Payne, S., Nicholas-Davies, P. & Home, R. (2017) “Participatory action research methodologies to advance legume productivity” in A. Clemente and J. Jimenez-Lopez (eds) Legumes for Global Food Security, Nova, New York pp. 101-129.
  • Oehen, B. and Home, R. (2017) “Sustainable Food Systems” in N. van der Meulen and J. Wiesel (eds.) Culinary Turn: Aesthetic Practice of Cookery, Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 87-90.
  • Home, R. & Nelson, E. (2015) The role of Participatory Guarantee Systems for Food Security, in A. Hilbeck and B. Oehen (eds) Feeding the People: Agroecology for Nourishing the World and Transforming the Agri-Food System. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels, pp.26-29.
  • Home, R., Stolze, M. & Lostak, M. (2013). “Survey of the demands of end users of organic market data” in H. Willer, J. Lernoud and L. Kilcher (eds) (2013), The World of Organic Agriculture, FiBL and IFOAM, Frick, Bonn, pp.232-233.
  • Home, Robert and Moschitz, Heidrun (2013) Incentive Mechanisms for Researchers to Participate in Targeted Interactive Research and Innovation Processes–Beyond Academic Relevance. In: EU SCAR (Ed.) Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems towards 2020 - an orientation paper on linking innovation and research. European Union, Brussels, Belgium, chapter 5, pp. 75-93.
  • Home, R., Moretti, M., Sattler, T. Bauer, N. & Hunziker, M. (2010) "BiodiverCity, A Transdisciplinary Approach to Urban Ecology", in Macias, A. & Mizgajski, A., (eds.) Implementation of Landscape Knowledge in Practice, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznan, pp. 134-140.

Zeitschriften und allg. Presse

  • Home, R., Moretti, M., Frey, D. and Bauer, N. (2019) Hobbygärtnerinnen und –gärtner ist Biodiversität wichtig. Hotspot. Vol. 39. pp. 18-19.
  • Gabel, V., Home, R., Birrer, S., Steinemann, B and Stolze, M., (2018) Kann Biodiversitätsberatung die Einstellung zur Biodiversität von Schweizer Landwirten und Landwirtinnen beeinflussen? N+L Inside 3/18, pp.30-34.
  • Frey, D., Young, C., Zanetta, A., Tresch, S., Fliessbach, A., Bauer, N., Lewis, O., Home, R. and Moretti, M. (2017) BetterGardens: Bodenqualität, Biodiversität und Sozialer Wert von Stadtgärten, N+L Inside 2/17, pp. 27-31.
  • Home, R., Stolz, M. Tresch, S., Fliessbach, A., Lewis, O., Bauer, N., Moretti, M., Young, C., Zanetta, A. & Frey, D. (2017) BetterGardens: Bodenqualität, Biodiversität und Sozialer Wert von Stadtgärten, Vollzug Boden Biologie (VBB) Bulletin. 17, pp.26-29.
  • Stolze, M. & Home, R. (2016) Die Bedeutung soziale Faktoren für die Umstellung auf Biolandbau. Ökologie & Landbau, 179, pp.12-16.
  • Lichtsteiner, S,. Home, R., Moretti, M., Frey, D., Fliessbach, A., Tresch, S., Young, C. and Bauer, N. (2016) Der ökologische und soziale Wert von Stadtgärten. HOTSPOT, 2016, 33, p. 22.
  • Home, R., Gerrard, C. & Feldmann, C. (2015) Organic market data: Bridging the gap between data collectors and end users, Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 18 (Special Issue), pp.148-150.
  • Home, R., Ries, E., Tschanz, A. & Indermühle, A. (2015) Social factors in the decision by Swiss farmers to convert to organic farming, Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 18 (Special Issue), pp.154-156.
  • Jahrl, I. and Home, R. (2015) Familiengärten – Biogärten: Ansätze zur Förderung der Ökologisierung städtischer Flächen, Bindestrich (Publication of the Office International du Coin de Terre et des Jardins Familiaux), 55, pp. 30-32
  • Csencsics, D., Aavik, T., Hedinger, C., Holderegger, R., Home, R., Keller, D., Seidl, I., van Strien, M., Zurbuchen A. und Bolliger, J. (2014) „Lebensraumvernetzung in der Agrarlandschaft: Chancen und Risiken“, Merkblatt für die Praxis, 53/2014,  Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
  • Home, R., Angelone, S. Hunziker, M. & Bolliger, J. (2014) Die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von ökologischen Aufwertungsmassnahmen in Kulturlandschaften des schweizer Mittellands, Natur/Landschaft Inside, 3/2014, pp. 23-26.
  • Keller, D., Seidl, I., Forrer, C., Home, R. and Holderegger, R. (2013), Schutz der Helm-Azurjungfer Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) am Beispiel des Smaragd-Gebiets Oberaargau, Entomo Helvetica, 6, pp. 87 – 99.
  • Braunisch, V., Home, R., Pellet, J. & Arlettaz, R. (2012) Praxisrelevante Biodiversitätsforschung: Ansprüche Schweizer Naturschutzfachleute an die Wissenschaft, Natur & Landschaft: Inside, 4/12, pp.19-25.
  • Obrist, M.K., Sattler, T., Home, R., Gloor, S., Bontadina, F., Nobis, M., Braaker, S., Duelli, P., Bauer, N., Della Bruna, P., Hunziker, M. and Moretti, M. (2012) “Biodiversität in der Stadt – für Mensch und Natur“, Merkblatt für die Praxis, 48/2012, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
  • Ineichen, S., Bontadina, F., Gloor, S., Home, R., Obrist, M., Sattler, T. & Moretti, M. (2010) Lebensqualität im Siedlungsraum: Ein Garten mit 1001 Tieren, Hotspot, 21/2010, pp 10-11.
  • Hunziker, M., Home, R. & Frick, J. (2010) Menschensicht, Anthos, 4/2010, pp 35-37.
  • Lindemann-Matthies, P. & Home, R. (2007) Allerlei Schmetterlinge und Bienen, Neu Zürcher Zeitung, July 13, 2007, p. B2.