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Xenia Gatzert

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Germania, Responsabili di unità

Campi di attività

  • Sistemi agricoli sostenibili


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Gatzert, Xenia; Chun, Kwok P.; Hermanowski, Robert; Mäder, Rolf; Breuer, Lutz; Gattinger, Andreas and Orlowski, Natalie (2023): Application of multiple stable isotopes to aid identification of the origin of regional and organic animal products in Hesse, Germany. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. Published online.
  • Gatzert, Xenia; Chun, Kwok P.; Boner, Markus; Hermanowski, Robert; Breuer, Lutz; Mäder, Rolf; Gattinger, Andreas and Orlowski, Natalie (2021): Assessment of multiple stable isotopes for tracking regional and organic authenticity of plant products in Hesse, Germany. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. Published online.