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Amarante Vitra

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Svizzera, Dipartimento di scienze animali, Gruppo Alimentazione degli animali

Campi di attività

  • Superfici inerbite
  • Gestione dei pascoli
  • Produzione foraggera


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Mariotte, P., Frick, R., Vitra, A., Meisser, M., and Probo, M. (2020): The impact of drought on forage production in Switzerland, and farming practices to cope with water scarcity. Fourrages Rep. No. 0429-2766.
  • Buttler, A., Mariotte, P., Meisser, M., Guillaume, T., Signarbieux, C., Vitra, A., Preux, S., Mercier, G., Quezada, J., and Bragazza, L. (2019) : Drought-induced decline of productivity in the dominant grassland species Lolium perenne L. depends on soil type and prevailing climatic conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 47-57.
  • Meisser, M., Vitra, A., Deleglise, C., Dubois, S., Probo, M., Mosimann, E., Buttler, A., and Mariotte, P. (2019): Nutrient limitations induced by drought affect forage N and P differently in two permanent grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 280, 85-94.
  • Schenkel, D., Deveau, A., Niimi, J., Mariotte, P., Vitra, A., Meisser, M., Buttler, A., and Splivallo, R. (2019): Linking soil's volatilome to microbes and plant roots highlights the importance of microbes as emitters of belowground volatile signals. Environmental microbiology 21, 3313-3327.
  • Vitra, A. (2019): Responses of permanent grasslands to drought during the plant growing season: combining agronomic, functional and ecophysiological approaches. EPFL, PhD thesis.
  • Vitra, A., Deleglise, C., Meisser, M., Risch, A. C., Signarbieux, C., Lamacque, L., Delzon, S., Buttler, A., and Mariotte, P. (2019): Responses of plant leaf economic and hydraulic traits mediate the effects of early-and late-season drought on grassland productivity. AoB Plants 11, plz023.
  • Meisser, M., Vitra, A., Stevenin, L., Mosimann, E., Mariotte, P., and Buttler, A. (2018): Impact of drought on the functioning of grassland systems. Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 82-91.
  • Vitra, A., Lenz, A., and Vitasse, Y. (2017). Frost hardening and dehardening potential in temperate trees from winter to budburst. New Phytologist 216, 113-123.