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Laurène Fito

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Francia

Campi di attività

  • Microbiologia
  • Laboratorio


StatoFiBLTitolo del progettoInizioFine
in corso FR Fruit tree phytoplasmas: detection, epidemiology and control (PHYDEMO) 01.10.2023 30.03.2027
in corso FR Grazing parasitism of dairy heifers: prospective use of serum pepsinogen and targeted selective treatment (PEPS’IN) 01.02.2023 31.07.2025
completato FR Evaluation of the impact of Fermented Forest Litter (LiFoFer) on the composting process (LifoCompost) 11.01.2023 30.10.2023
in corso FR Improving the resilience of lavender plantations through agroecological recycling of residual biomass from distillation processes (RésiLav) 01.01.2023 31.12.2025
in corso FR Study of factors for natural induction of lactation in non-gestating goats and consequences on their welfare (Gentle Dairy) 01.01.2023 13.12.2025
completato FR Untersuchung der Parameter für den Beginn einer Laktation bei nicht trächtigen Ziegen (LACTODOUCE) 24.06.2021 31.01.2023
completato FR Studien zur möglichen Integration von Schafen im Obstbau (ECORCE) 01.01.2021 31.12.2023
completato FRCH Bekämpfung der Fusariose bei Knoblauch und Melone. Agronomische und ökologische Ansätze im pedoklimatischen Kontext (SYNERGIES) 01.01.2019 30.06.2022
completato FR Schafe im Weinberg: Evaluierung des toxischen Potentials von Kupferapplikationen bei weidenden Schafen 01.09.2017 01.09.2019
completato CHFR Gesundheit von kleinen Wiederkäuern und Schweinen (TRANSAAT) 01.09.2017 30.09.2020
completato CHFR Phytotherapie gegen Magen-Darm Strongyliden - in vitro 01.03.2017 31.03.2019
completato FRCH Nachhaltige Kontrolle des Phytoplasma-bedingten Lavendelsterbens 01.05.2016 30.06.2020


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Fito-Boncompte, Laurène & Chapalain, Annelise & Bouffartigues, Emeline & Chaker, Hichem & Lesouhaitier, Olivier & Gicquel, Gwendoline & Bazire, Alexis & Madi, Amar & Connil, Nathalie & Véron, Wilfried & Taupin, Laure & Toussaint, Bertrand & Cornelis, Pierre & Wei, Qing & Shioya, Koki & Déziel, Eric & Feuilloley, Marc & Orange, Nicole & Dufour, Alain & Chevalier, Sylvie. (2011). Full Virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Requires OprF. Infection and immunity. 79. 1176-86. 10.1128/IAI.00850-10.
  • Guyard-Nicodème, Muriel & Bazire, Alexis & Hémery, Gaëlle & Meylheuc, Thierry & Mollé, Daniel & Orange, Nicole & Fito-Boncompte, Laurène & Feuilloley, Marc & Haras, Dominique & Dufour, Alain & Chevalier, Sylvie. (2008). Outer membrane Modifications of Pseudomonas fluorescens MF37 in Response to Hyperosmolarity. Journal of proteome research. 7. 1218-25. 10.1021/pr070539x.
  • Bouffartigues, Emeline & Gicquel, Gwendoline & Bazire, Alexis & Fito-Boncompte, Laurène & Taupin, Laure & Maillot, Olivier & Groboillot, Anne & Poc, Cecile & Orange, Nicole & Feuilloley, Marc & Dufour, Alain & Chevalier, Sylvie. (2011). The Major Outer Membrane Protein OprF is Required for Rhamnolipid Production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 10.4172/2155-9597.1000118.
  • Bouffartigues, Emeline & Moscoso, Joana & Duchesne, Rachel & Rosay, Thibaut & Fito-Boncompte, Laurène & Gicquel, Gwendoline & Maillot, Olivier & Benard, Magalie & Bazire, Alexis & Brenner-Weiss, Gerald & Lesouhaitier, Olivier & Lerouge, Patrice & Dufour, Alain & Orange, Nicole & Feuilloley, Marc & Overhage, Joerg & AM Filloux, Alain & Chevalier, Sylvie. (2015). The absence of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa OprF protein leads to increased biofilm formation through variation in c-di-GMP level. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6. 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00630.