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Indian Organic Market Development Project


The overall objective of the project is to enhance the market opportunities for Indian organic and fair trade products on international, regional and local markets. For this, relevant expertise in market development and marketing is to be developed in India to ensure the long term effect of the project. This will be done in co-operation with the International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA), founded and supported by the main stakeholders of organic agriculture in India.

The project has four goals:

  1. Awareness creation: The Indian public is well aware of the benefits of organic agriculture and motivated to buy organic products. International traders know about and trust in Indian organic products. The Indian Organic Guarantee System is recognized on the domestic and international level.
  2. Market research and market information: Up-to-date information, relevant for successful international and domestic market development, is generated and made readily available to the stakeholders of the organic agriculture sector. Our Indian partners are able to further develop the organic market on their own.
  3. Development and documentation of market chains by means of pilot projects: Producers, processors and traders in organic products are enabled to meet international and domestic market demands in terms of type, quality and availability of produces through appropriate market chains. From here, SIPPO will overtake and bring the producers to the EU- and Swiss-markets.
  4. To close the gap in input approval: The different certification agencies, such as INDOCERT and IMO Control (India) are facilitated to develop a common and credible strategy on the approval of organic fertilizers, plant protection agents, feed items etc.
Risultati del progettoPubblicazioni su Organic Eprints
Finanziamento / donatori
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Switzerland

Partner del progetto
Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
Collaboratrici e collaboratori del FiBL coinvolti
  • Huber Beate (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale; Vicepresidente del comitato di direzione)
  • Kilcher Lukas (Departement für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)
(le persone senza link non lavorano più al FiBL)
Ruolo del FiBL

Project Management and consultancy

Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • Catene di valore & mercati (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, FiBL Svizzera)
  • Comunicazione progetti (Dipartimento consulenza, formazione & comunicazione, FiBL Svizzera)
  • Sviluppo della politica & dei settori (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, FiBL Svizzera)
Data di modifica 27.10.2023