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Mariateresa Lazzaro

Appartenenza / funzione

  • FiBL Svizzera, Dipartimento di scienze delle produzioni vegetali, Gruppo Selezione vegetale
  • Cogestione del Gruppo Selezione vegetale

Campi di attività

  • Ricerca sulla selezione del lupino
  • Selezione assistita da marcatori
  • Ricerca on-farm


StatoFiBLTitolo del progettoInizioFine
in corso CH Förderung des Anbaus von Nischenkulturen in der Schweiz durch die Entwicklung innovativer pflanzlicher Produkte (LEGU4FOOD) 01.11.2024 31.10.2027
in corso CH Integration der IPM-Züchtung in die Anwendungsbereiche Weizen, Kartoffeln und Körnerleguminosen (IPMorama) 01.09.2024 31.08.2028
in corso CH Die Augenbohne – Vernachlässigte und trockenheitsresistente Körnerleguminose für die vielfältige Ernährung und klimafreundliche Landwirtschaft in der Schweiz 01.01.2024 31.01.2026
in corso CH LupiSweet – Alkaloid-Monitoring bei Weisser Lupine (LupiSweet) 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
in corso CH Vorteile der biologischen Züchtung: Bestandsaufnahme und Sensibilisierung (benefits.biobreeding) 01.11.2023 31.10.2026
in corso CHDEEU Biologische Saatgut- und Pflanzenzüchtung zur Förderung nachhaltiger und vielfältiger Lebensmittelsysteme in Europa (LiveSeeding) 01.10.2022 30.09.2026
in corso CH Ko-Konstruktion interaktiver Lebensmittelketten der kurzen und mittleren Ebene zur Aufwertung der Agrobiodiversität in gesunden pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln (DIVINFOOD) 01.03.2022 28.02.2027
in corso CH Züchtung der Weissen Lupine auf Resistenz & Qualität für innovative Schweizer Lebensmittel aus einer nachhaltigen, regionalen Produktion (LUPINNO SUISSE) 01.03.2021 28.02.2025
completato CH Sortenprüfung und Anbauoptimierung der Weissen und Blauen (schmalblättrigen) Lupine 01.01.2020 31.12.2023
completato CHEU Engagement der ökologischen Wertschöpfungskette zur Unterstützung der biologischen Züchtung in Europa (ENGAGEMENT.BIOBREEDING EUROPE) 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
completato CHDE LIVESEED - Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit des biologischen Landbaus durch die gezielte Förderung von Biosaatgut und Biopflanzenzüchtung in ganz Europa (LIVESEED) 01.06.2017 30.09.2021
completato CH Züchtungsforschung zur Anthraknosetoleranz und Mischkultureignung der Lupine 01.01.2014 31.12.2023
in corso CH Europäisches Konsortium für ökologische Pflanzenzüchtung (ECO-PB) 20.04.2011
in corso CH Koordination der Pflanzenzüchtung und Sortenprüfung für den Biolandbau in der Schweiz (Pflanzenzüchtung & Sortenprüfung – CH) 01.01.2009


Pubblicazioni nella banca dati Organic Eprints

Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints

  • Leoni, F.; Lazzaro, M.; Carlesi, S.; Moonen, A.-C. Legume Ecotypes and Commercial Cultivars Differ in Performance and Potential Suitability for Use as Permanent Living Mulch in Mediterranean Vegetable Systems. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1836.
  • Lazzaro, M., Bàrberi, P., Dell’Acqua, M., Pè, M.E., Limonta, M., Barabaschi, D., Cattivelli, L., Laino, P., Vaccino, P., 2019. Unraveling diversity in wheat competitive ability traits can improve integrated weed management. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39.
  • Lazzaro, M., Costanzo, A., Bàrberi, P., 2017. Single vs multiple agroecosystem services provided by common wheat cultivar mixtures: Weed suppression, grain yield and quality. Field Crops Research.
  • Lazzaro, M., Costanzo, A., Farag, D.H., Bàrberi, P., 2017. Grain yield and competitive ability against weeds in modern and heritage common wheat cultivars are differently influenced by sowing density. Italian Journal of Agronomy 11.

Conferences abstracts/papers

  • Leoni, F., Carlesi, S., Lazzaro, M., Croceri, G., Moonen, A.C., 2019. Species diversity in action: on farm optimization of wheat - lentil intercropping in Central Italy.  2nd Agroecology Europe Forum, 26-28 September 2019 Heraklion, Crete, Greece (Accepted)
  • Leoni, F., Carlesi, S., Lazzaro , M., Moonen, A.C.,2019. Selection of the best adapted legume types for relay intercropping in durum wheat aimed at reduced herbicide reliance of cereal-based cropping systems. European Conference on Crop Diversification 18th - 21st September 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (Accepted)
  • Lazzaro, M., Paree, P., Guidotti, D., Koltsida, P., Barberi, P., Toli, E., 2018. “How to Integrate Open Data with Local Knowledge in Co-designed ICT Solutions?” Proceedings of  EFITA conference 2018.
  • Lazzaro, M., Paree, P., Guidotti, D., Koltsida, P., Benians, S., Bàrberi, P., Toli, E., 2018. Digital tools co-creation to ease the dialog among farmers’ communities with diverse visions. A practical case with conventional and organic farmers in CAPSELLA. In: Proceedings 13th European IFSA Symposium. Chania, Greece, 1-5 July 2018.
  • Guidotti D., Lazzaro M., Bàrberi P. (2017). Participatory development of a soil health monitoring platform with organic farmers communities. In: Proceedings 2017 EFITA Congress. vol. 1, p. 63-64, Montpellier:EFITA, Montpellier (FR), 2-6 July
  • Otto, L.G., Brassac, J., Mondal,P., Sonnenschein, M., Plocharski, B., Junghanns, W., Preiss, S., Degenhardt, J., Lazzaro, M., Bocchini, M., Albertini, E., Plescher, A., Fraust, B., He, S.,  Reif, J., Sharbel, T., 2018. Next generation breeding tools for chamomile: Evaluating genetic diversity, ploidy variation, and identifying marker-trait associations. Tagung für Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzenforschung Vielfalt im Dialog mit Mensch und Natur 10. – 13. September 2018, Bonn. JKI-Archiv 460, p. 67-71. DOI 10.5073/jka.2018.460.019
  • Migliorini, P., Lazzaro, M., Bàrberi, P., Ciaccia, C., Colombo, L., Canali ,S., 2017. Convergences, divergence and specificities between Agroecology and Organic Agriculture in Italy. In: Book of Abstracts, 1st Agroecology Europe Forum Agroecology Europe (2017)
  • Pellegrini, F., Antichi, D., Carlesi, S., Lazzaro, M., Nardi, G., Bàrberi, P., 2017. The use of Participatory Action and Learning for Agroecology: conducting research on living mulches in central Italy
  • In: Book of Abstracts, 1st Agroecology Europe Forum Agroecology Europe (2017)
  • Moonen, A.C., Leoni F., Carlesi S., Lazzaro M., 2017. Participatory selection of cover crop cultivars aimed at improving their capacity to cover the soil and their suitability to be destroyed in early spring. In: Book of Abstracts, 1st Agroecology Europe Forum Agroecology Europe (2017)
  • Lazzaro, M., 2017. Digital revolution in the agricultural sector: Fitting in the Agroecological approach? In: Book of Abstracts, 1st Agroecology Europe Forum Agroecology Europe (2017)
  • Guidotti, D., Lazzaro, M., Bàrberi, P.,2017. Participatory development of a soil health monitoring platform with organic farmers communities. In: Proceedings 2017 EFITA Congress EFITA (2017)
  • Lazzaro, M., Barberi, P., Calabrò, G., Ioannidis, Y., Koltsida, P., Manouselis, N., Toli, E., 2016. The Horizon 2020 CAPSELLA project: Collective Awareness PlatformS for Environmentally-sound Land management based on data technoLogies and Agrobiodiversity. In: Proceedings 12th European IFSA Symposium ‘Social and technological transformation of farming systems: diverging and converging pathways IFSA (2016)


  • Leoni, F., Carlesi, S., Lazzaro, M., Russi, L., Moonen, A.C.,2019. Screening of perennial and annual self-reseeding legume cover crops for their potential application as permanent living mulch in organic vegetable system. European Conference on Crop Diversification 18th - 21st September 2019, Budapest, Hungary. (Accepted)
  • Vaccino, P., Limonta, M. , Lazzaro, M., Dell’Acqua, M., Barabaschi, D.; Laino, P., Delbono ,S; Cattivelli, L.
  • From landraces to modern lines: molecular characterization and association mapping in an Italian bread wheat collection. 13TH INTERNATIONAL, Wheat Genetics Symposium. 23rd-28th April 2017, Tulln / Austria
  • Lazzaro, M., Costanzo, A., Bàrberi, P., 2015. Traits relevant for crop-weed competition in single stands and varietal mixtures of common wheat. Proceedings 17th EWRS ‘Weed management in changing environments’ EWRS (2015)
  • Otto, L.G., Bocchini, M., Lazzaro, M., Albertini, E., Sharbel T.F., 2013
  • Analysis of genetic diversity in German chamomile (Matricaria recutita l.) by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and ploidy variation. Proceedings of the 57th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress. Foggia, Italy – 16/19 September, 2013.
  • Philipp, S., Borgen, A., Lazzaro, M., Backes, G., Torp, A.M., Rasmussen, S.K., 2011.  Marker assisted breeding and mass selection of wheat composite cross populations. Presented at the Organic Plant Breeding: What makes the difference? 10 year’s Anniversary Conference, Frankfurt, 3rd and 4th November 2011.