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Biological control manufacturers in Europe develop novel biological control products to support the implementation of Integrated Pest Management in agriculture and forestry


This project wants to develop 11 new biological control agents (BCAs) for key markets in European agriculture and forestry. BCAs were identified through market analysis by six manufactures of biological control products. They are primarily thought for use in open field vegetable crops (3), in protected crops (2), arable crops (3), fruit crops (3) and in three different forest types (2). Primary targeted pests are: gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), pine weevil (Hylobius abietis), tomato pinworm (Tuta absoluta), white flies, aphids of fruit tree crops and Mamestra brassicae. Primary targeted pathogens are: damping-off diseases in forest nurseries, soil borne pathogens of oilseed rape and cereals, brown rot (Monilinia spp.) of stone fruit and powdery mildew of cereals (Blumeria graminis). During the entire development process, the economic sustainability will be assessed by the responsible industrial partners. The environmental sustainability will be quantified for each BCA by means of the Sustainable Process Index method. The entire development process of each of the 11 BCA products is guided by a consultancy partner specialized and leading in (bio) pesticide registration (including risk assessments for European (bio) pesticide industries). The in-vitro production of entomopathogenic viruses will be developed as an innovative technology aimed at a breakthrough in economic production. Downstream-technology and shelf life for entomopathogenic nematodes will be improved. The project results will be communicated to all stakeholders with special attention to the European Integrated Pest Management (IPM) networks throughout the whole project duration. 10 industrial SME partners, 3 larger industrial partners and 14 research partners are involved in the project, with 38% of the requested EU contribution supporting SMEs. All 11 BCA solutions will constitute novel IPM tools and new alternatives to replace the major pesticide applications in European agriculture and forestry.

Sito ufficiale del progetto
Risultati del progettoPubblicazioni su Organic Eprints
Programma (di ricerca)
  • Europäische Union, 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm
Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
  • Luka Henryk (Dipartimento di scienze delle produzioni vegetali)
Collaboratrici e collaboratori del FiBL coinvolti
  • Barloggio Guendalina (Departement für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften)
  • Tamm Lucius (Dipartimento di scienze delle produzioni vegetali)
(le persone senza link non lavorano più al FiBL)
Ruolo del FiBL

partner, WP 11 manager

Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • Protezione delle piante - patologia (Dipartimento di scienze delle produzioni vegetali, FiBL Svizzera)
Numero di progetto del FiBL 2504201
Data di modifica 22.07.2024