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Marktentwicklung Indien (Indien Seco Pakka FTAK)


Improve quality of a promising Indian-based value chain for organic and fair-traded products, including cashew nuts and coconut, in order to increase its competitiveness and at the same time improve the livelihood of farmer households.

The FTAK-Elements producer/marketing organization constitutes an innovative model relevant in the global trade landscape. It is highly attractive to conscious consumers in high income countries, as it offers convincing arguments to pay more for the products if its benefits are invested back to social and ecological causes of the farmers. The project will enhance the institutional sustainability by promoting a new coconut based value chain, and further support the existing cashew nut business by focusing on the improvements of the quality assurance process of the value chains. More than 3’000 farmer house holdings and members of FTAK shall benefit through improved income.

Risultati del progettoPubblicazioni su Organic Eprints
Partner del progetto

Fare Trade Alliance Kerala (FTAK)

Elements (Kerala)



Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • Sviluppo della politica & dei settori (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, FiBL Schweiz)
Numero di progetto del FiBL 65079
Data di modifica 27.10.2023