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Deutsch-Marokkanischer Fachdialog Agrar und Forst

Titolo del progetto in lingua originaleGerman-Moroccan expert dialogue on agriculture and forestry

Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf drei Schwerpunkte:

  • Komponente 1 - Biolandwirtschaft: Ziel ist es, die marokkanische Regierung dazu zu befähigen, die Biolandwirtschaft durch geeignete rechtliche und institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen, kompetente Behörden und eine solide Vermarktungsstrategie wirksam zu fördern und zu kontrollieren.
  • Komponente 2: Ziel ist es, das gesamte Genossenschaft-System in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft zu stärken und kleine und mittlere Unternehmen besser in die lokalen Wirtschaftskreisläufe zu integrieren.
  • Komponente 3: Diese Komponente soll zur nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung der Zedernbestände im Ifrane-Nationalpark beitragen.

Das FiBL ist an der Komponente 1 beteiligt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung einer biologischen Vermarktungsstrategie (national und international) liegt.

Descrizione dettagliata del progetto

With the "Plan Maroc Vert (PMV)”, the Moroccan government set itself targets for the modernisation of the agricultural sector in 2008. The sustainable use of natural resources is to play a central role in this. In regard to the potential developed by the PMV and in view of the challenges in the Moroccan agricultural sector, this project will be conducted on priority agricultural issues. Moroccan state actors should be able to draw on the experience of other countries, especially Germany and Europe, for the further shaping of their country's agricultural policy. The Moroccan side explicitly requested an expert dialogue on organic farming. In particular, organic certification is still considered a hurdle and capacities about possibilities for group certification (Internal Control System ICS) are not widespread. Furthermore, there is a lack of a sound marketing strategy for the domestic market and no reliable data in regard to the potential of the domestic market.

In order to create a coherent legal framework for the organic production of agricultural and aquatic products in Morocco, the Moroccan government published a law (39-12) in 2013 and has subsequently published numerous decrees and ordinances until September 2018. These have been closely aligned with the current EU organic regulations and implementing provisions. However, private actors from production, processing, research and consulting complain about the limited availability of production resources that are indispensable for organic farming within this legal framework (e.g. certified seed). From the point of view of these actors, there is still a lack of state advisory competencies, adequate promotional instruments and other measures to actually develop the sector and fully exploit its potential.

Risultati del progettoPubblicazioni su Organic Eprints
Finanziamento / donatori
  • Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
Programma (di ricerca)
  • Sonstige Programme
Partner del progetto

Konsortium, bestehend aus

Responsabile del progetto al FiBL / contatto
Collaboratrici e collaboratori del FiBL coinvolti
Ruolo del FiBL


Gruppo/ Punto focale del lavoro/ Sedi
  • Catene di valore & mercati (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, FiBL Svizzera)
  • Sviluppo della politica & dei settori (Dipartimento della cooperazione internazionale, FiBL Svizzera)
Numero di progetto del FiBL 65189
Data di modifica 31.05.2024