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Suscon 2012: "Green Economy – from intention to action"

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Suscon, the International Conference on Sustainable Business and Consumption, "Green Economy – from intention to action" will take place in Bonn, Germany, in November 2012.

Five months after RIO +20, we are:

  • Designing economic models the Green Economy needs
  • Focusing on sustainable value chains such as water, food, textiles, paper and wood
  • Discussing how companies and financial institutions can act as agents for change
  • Broadening our understanding of natural resource efficiency, the role of technical innovations and lifestyles.

Speakers include  Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Vandana Shiva or Helmy Abouleish.

FiBL is  a supporter of the event.

Press Release

Further Information

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Urs Niggli

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