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Establishing and Managing Organic Farming Demonstrations

A User’s Guide developed for the Organic Agriculture Working Group of the GIZ-GIAE Programme

The User’s Guide was developed to assist farmers, trainers and researchers with planning, establishing and managing unbiased demonstration plots on organic agriculture. The guide highlights, in a step by step manner, the process of defining the purpose of the demo plots and what they aim to resolve and achieve, and how to manage them. By posing the questions rather than providing descriptive content only, the User’s Guide becomes more applicable for different farming contexts.

The accompanying PowerPoint presentation is available in Organic Eprints:

Pagine 182
Autori e autrici Irene Kadzere, Noah Adamtey, David Bautze, Mirjam Holinger, Veronika Maurer, Felix Heckendorn, Toralf Richter, Brian Ssebunya, Gilles Weidmann, Gian Nicolay, Andreas Fliessbach (all FiBL), Stefanie Zeiss, Wendy Escobar Zavala (GIZ), Andrew Thadzi, Shaibu Kananji, and Mike Ching'amba (LUANAR – NRC, Malawi)
Editori FiBL, GIZ
Anno di pubblicazione 2020
Collana Guida / Manuale
Versione Versione scaricabile
Lingua Inglese
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10598332
Numero di articolo 1746