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Improving health and welfare of pigs

A handbook for organic pig farmers

The handbook summarizes the expertise of farmers, consultants, scientists and technical literature for maintaining the health of pigs. The recommendations are intended to support farmers and consultants in the development of an optimal pig husbandry. By means of simple checklists, the manual lists possible causes and behavioural disorders for the major problem areas, and suggests measures for their correction.

Pagine 92
Autori e autrici Mirjam Holinger (FiBL), Sandra Edwards (Newcastle University), Gudrun Illmann (IAS), Christine Leeb (BOKU), Michala Melišová (IAS), Armelle Prunier (INRA), Gwendolyn Rudolph (BOKU), Barbara Früh (FiBL)
Editori BOKU, FiBL, FLI, INRAe, Newcastle University (NU), Bioinstitut, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, IAS
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Collana Guida / Manuale
Versione Versione scaricabile
Lingua Inglese
ISBN 978-3-03736-278-5
Numero di articolo 1676