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Towards a European Framework for Organic Market Information

Proceedings of the Second EISfOM European Seminar, Brussels, November 10 & 11, 2

The project European Information System for Organic Markets (EISfOM) aims to develop a framework for the collection and processing of data on organic production and markets. At the second EISfOM seminar, which took place in November 2005 in Brussels, a draft framework for a European Information System for Organic Markets was discussed and defined. The proceedings of the seminar provide the papers presented, covering farm production, farm financial data, prices, consumers/consumption and supply balances/international trade. Detailed project information is available at

Pagine 213
Autori e autrici Markus Rippin, Helga Willer, Nicolas Lampkin, Alison Vaughan (Eds.)
Editori FiBL
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
Collana Studio
Versione Versione scaricabile
Lingua Inglese
ISBN 978-3-906081-82-3
Numero di articolo 1403