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Current Evaluation Procedures for Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Used in Organic Agriculture

Proceedings of a workshop held April 29-30, 2004 at Emerson College, Great Brita

Organic farming is characterized by a strict regulation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners, which precludes the use of the vast majority of all available compounds. The European Regulation 2092/91 defines which substances are allowed in organic farming. Nevertheless, the range of products allowed varies greatly between countries.The articles in this volume describe the evaluation procedures for fertilizers and soil conditioners used in organic agriculture. They summarize the situation in various (mainly European) countries. The collection is not exhaustive, but it gives a picture of the areas where the regulations are similar across countries, and where there are major differences. It also shows the extent to which organic regulations/standards and (non-organic) legislation on usage of fertilizers and soil conditioners are responsible for national differences.

This data sheet is only available as a file for free download.

Pagine 100
Autori e autrici Stefano Canali, Christopher Stopes, Otto Schmid and Bernhard Speiser (Editors)
Editori FiBL
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
Collana Studio
Versione Versione scaricabile
Lingua Inglese
ISBN 978-3-906081-65-6
Numero di articolo 1383