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Pubblicazioni non incluse nella banca dati Organic Eprints
Veerkamp, CJ., Loreti, M., Benavidez, R., Jackson, B., Schipper, AM. (2023): Comparing three spatial modeling tools for assessing urban ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 59, 101500
Veerkamp, CJ., Schipper, AM., van Rijn, F., Spoon, M., Loreti, M., Dassen, T. (2021): Assessing the Contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for Addressing Sustainabilit y Challenges in European Urban Areas. NATURVATION Deliverable, Brussels
Dellinger, AS., Pöllabauer, L., Loreti, M., Czurda, J., Schönenberger, J. (2019):Klicken um Text einzugeben. Testing functional hypotheses on poricidal anther dehiscence and heteranthery in buzz-pollinated flowers. Acta ZooBot Austria 156, 197-214